Message 18 – Please Step Away from the Fear Cycle

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother, which was released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites. The Great Mother Bible is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website:]



[Written Sunday, December 16, 2012. Two days after the school shootings in Connecticut. Twenty-eight killed. Twenty children. Eight adults.]

Oh, my children, my children. How my heart goes out to you these days of great change and turmoil. Oh, those poor two-legged children and adults who lost their lives to the crazy two-legged in Connecticut. Oh, all the suffering that so many of you are going through. I feel your great grief and rage. Such sorrow. Know that I feel it and am sending all of you my Mother Love. Huge amounts of Mother Love.

Know, my beloved ones, how much I love you. Know also that the fears that you are all experiencing don’t need to be so.

Your newspapers. Your TV stations. Your mind-numbing media are not helping you see all the beautiful, positive magic and grace that are happening all around you all the time.

And your churches and mosques and synagogues with the angry gods whom have instilled so much fear in so many of you. These are not helping either.

There is so much beauty and capacity for joy in being alive here and now on my planet. There is so much love surrounding each and every one of you, yet you do not know it. You don’t feel it and don’t take it in.

Every time you light a match, there is magic. Every time a seed germinates at exactly when they need to, and they mysteriously know when this time is, this is all magic. A baby conceived. A bolt of lightning etched across the sky for a millisecond. Beautiful, magical happenings all around everywhere. And yet most of you don’t even see it. Or feel it. Or hear it.

How I yearn for you all to wake up… Wake up! To the joy, the beauty, the grace, the mystery and all the sacredness that surrounds you each and every day. It’s all here in front of you, but most of you have just disconnected completely or almost completely.

Please, turn off the TV’s. The computers. The cellphones. All the noise that keeps you spinning in the fear cycle as if you are all a wad of bound up clothes in a bad dryer that just doesn’t know how to stop. Turn off all the contraptions, please!

And go outside. Be still. Quiet your overactive minds. Hold a stone in the palm of your hand and just feel the stone. That’s it. Only the stone. Imagine the wisdom of this stone and how ancient it is. Know that the chaos that your media is spinning is nothing compared to the eons of time this stone has known.

And allow yourself to sink into a place of Thank You. To the stone. To the day. To the trees out there. To the food you have. To the glimpse of silence you discovered for that moment. See if you can do this as often as you sit in front of your computers or use your cellphones. See… Try… No should’s. An invitation.

I love you all… hugs and love and so much more joy I send to all of your beautiful hearts, your beautiful beings.