Hello, My Beautiful World of Two-Leggeds with Access to the Internet!

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


(I have asked Mare to share this message with you as the first blog post.)

Glad you’re finding me here.

This is your Mother. Earth Mother version of Mother.

I love you all.

I’ve loved you all into existence here on this planet that I am the Caretaker of… this most amazingly magnificent and scrumptious Earth.  (I used the word ‘scrumptious’ since just about everything on this planet is either eaten or eating on a very regular basis.)

Okay. Keeping this first post short.

Remember I love you. But you need to clean your rooms. All of you. (Well, maybe some of you are okay at doing that, but the rest of you need to get on this.)

Love and earthy blessings to all,

— Your Mother. Earth. Gaia. Pachamama. (I go by many names. Just don’t call me Late for Dinner. That joke does not work with me.)

(c) Mare Cromwell. All Rights Reserved.