Message 7 – About Conflict and Soul-Woundedness

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

Mother: Sarah, it’s another lovely day here! I’m so glad the weather is nice for our visit today. Then again, I did arrange for that. Never mind. Okay, I don’t know if you found a joke but I heard one the other day that I love. Here goes: What is the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?

Sarah: Gosh, Mother. I have no clue. Their noses?

Mother: No … SNOWBALLS!

Sarah: I like that one! That’s funny. You’re getting better, Mother. That’s a goodie.

Mother: Well, I think my sense of humor is not quite like a two-leggeds’, but that’s okay. I’m trying here.  Okay, now let’s get on with our message today. You can ask me another question.

Sarah: Okay. I have a good one. Mother, why is there so much conflict on Earth? Why are people fighting each other so much? Some of these people are even suicide bombers. Why is this?

Mother: Oh, Sarah. Yes. There is too much conflict around my beautiful Earth. I have been watching this grow and grow, and it saddens me so much. So very much.

I love you all so much. You have no idea how much I love you. If only all of you could take this love in and hold it within you, maybe there would be less conflict.

You see, the source of all this conflict is that you two-leggeds have developed a sickness in your soul. A soul-woundedness, really. Most of you have it. Not all. My beloved two-leggeds who still live very deep in the jungles, away from all those ugly wires that carry what you call electricity, they don’t have this soul-woundedness. Even some of you who live within those wires that crisscross most of my continents don’t have this sickness. Some were born without it and others have learned to heal from it in their earthwalk.

It makes my heart sing that some of you have been healing from this sickness. You are the ones who are planting gardens and remembering to honor me. You help your communities grow more gardens where there is so much sadness in your cities. In some areas where buildings have burned down or been abandoned, the rubble has been scraped away and now there are some really nice tomatoes growing there along with other veggies. I’ve been trying to grow some gardens there also, where the buildings have crumbled. Yet I like your gardens a lot too. I like how they are making some people happier in the cities. Most two-leggeds don’t appreciate my garden designs these days anyway.

You healing ones have been doing so many things that give me such joy.

But most of you still carry this awful woundedness. All of this aggression. This suffering because someone is dominating another one. Some of you two-leggeds even buy and sell other two-leggeds! What is that about? I had hoped you all would get that out of your system by now, but not so.

These suicide bombers and others who plot big schemes of killing, both people and animals—what makes them do that is a sadly advanced form of the soul-woundedness that I’m talking about here. They have gotten too disconnected from me, their Mother, and from the Great Mystery too. Their anger and hatred has gotten so deeply knotted into their souls in those groups, those clusters of two-leggeds, that they even say in their buildings where they come to pray that the Creator or Great Mystery wants them to be a suicide bomber. Well, the Great Mystery I know would never want any two-legged or any other being to act in that way.

It would be a good time for that soul who is the Christ Consciousness to come back to my beautiful planet. Oh, such a beautiful soul with such purity and spiritual wisdom. Somehow many of you have learned some weird things about this soul. When I’m hoping this soul will come back, I’m not talking about the “Saved” business where some of you will rise up to “Heaven” and others will go to “Hell” based on “Jesus Christ coming back.”

No, I’m talking about the deeply, deeply compassionate healer and teacher of great spiritual truths who knows how to bring peace back into two-leggeds’ hearts. This teacher does not distinguish between one two-legged and another with their capacity to be healed.

It’s never made sense to me why those two-leggeds are so eager to leave this magnificent planet of mine to be “Saved.” I’ve worked for a couple of billion years to make this planet as amazing as it is, with the help of the Great Mystery and others, of course. Most of this has been great fun, all the evolution stuff.

But some of these two-leggeds don’t like it enough here, I guess. It baffles me that they can’t see that my baby, my planet, is a part of Heaven, right here under their very feet and all around them. If they spent more time away from the messes most of these cities have become, they’d see this. I’d hope so, at least! But they spend more time in buildings than out in the forests or by the ocean. They, too, think that the Creator is only found in buildings. That is definitely something I’ve never understood.

So much of this just completely baffles me. I’ve never been able to get through to so many of them. I guess that’s why you’re here, Sarah. It used to be that all of you knew me and honored me and what I do, and there was very little soul-woundedness. Used to be …

I know, I just know my planet will return to being heavenly too. I’m very determined about this. If I have anything to do with this, it will get back there and it will be even better. Some of you two-leggeds are seeing this and working on it. I adore, just adore each and every one of you who are working on this. And playing on this too.

Frankly, you all work too much anyway. You need to play more, and that would help me out. I don’t mean play inside and exchange that stuff you call ‘money’ for other stuff that you don’t really need. That’s another thing that baffles me.

Go play in the woods. Or the rivers. Go sing and dance along the ocean. And pick up trash while you’re at it.

As for the soul-woundedness, some of you two-leggeds need to learn and live more forgiveness! If there was a way that I could get the clouds to rain forgiveness-enhanced water down all over the planet, I would. Hmmm … not a bad idea. I wonder if I can do that? Wonder what it would taste like? Ah … chocolate!  I might see if this is possible.

All of you need to hug each other more too.

But about the Christ Consciousness—you know I can’t give away any secrets. But some native peoples have been talking about how this soul is already here again. Some think that this soul has come back as a woman. That would suit me fine. But I’m not going to give away any secrets.

Ha! I can’t do that!

Okay, gotta run, Sarah. Hugs! See you next week! Oh … bring a good joke too!

I love you!

I love all of my beloved two-leggeds. Yes, I do…! And four-leggeds, and all the rest of my delightful critters … and stones and rivers, such a list! All of you!


[Postscript – June 16, 2016. When Mother asked me to put this message out in 2012, she alluded to not giving away any secrets at that time. When I was writing The Great Mother Bible with her in 2014, she explained further in that book that each of us alive at this time is invited to embrace the Christ Consciousness into our hearts. We are all being called to embody that amazing consciousness in our very beings, and release the thorns from our hearts.

It is not there will be one soul that is the Christ Arisen. We are all being called to be Christ Arisen. It is true that there are some souls here on Earth who are very highly evolved and truly embody the Christ Consciousness quite deeply.  The Dalai Lama is one. There are more. Some keep themselves very private, for good reasons. 

Hugs, hugs, bigLove to all,  mare]