A Message from Mother Gaia on Justice, Healing & Oneness, 6/10/20

I, as your Planetary Caretaker, have carried deep sorrow for thousands of years because of how many of my two-leggeds have been enslaved along with been treated horrifically by other two-leggeds for far too long. Many of you have been tortured and lost your lives at the hands of others who were and still are living under an illusion of superiority and control.

I am celebrating your protests and swell of love and courage around the world, especially in the United States, as you speak your truth and demand justice and equality.

You are all my beloved children and have always been meant to live as equals in beautiful community in ways that all of your needs are met.

You are all helping to Birth the New Earth with your protests. Already police systems are being dismantled and many government and community leaders are stepping forward with alternatives that will serve all of you.

Plus, you are helping others wake up to the truth of how all of you are One. This is far more significant than you realize!

Please spiritually call on your Ancestors who embody the Love to support you. Call on me, your Mother Gaia, Creator, and the deities, angels and others who you work with spiritually to support you. They need for you to call on them to be able to help you. This is Universal Law.

What is happening now on your Sacred Earth is a powerful wave of transformation, a wave of awakening to who you truly are as beautiful sacred beings of Love. This is all part of the New Earth birthing.

Please continue to heal your hearts and show up. Your comfort zones are not where you are meant to be living anymore. There is much change ahead.

I am celebrating all of you and Love you so much!

~ Mother Gaia