Time to Jump In! 6.4.16 Msg from Mother

Message from Earth Mother this am:
It is time to jump in. With both feet. Eyes Open. It is time to shed your fears, your insecurities. It is time for you to remember my Love and the Great Divine Love of Creation. It is. You are all so powerful. So much more powerful than you know. Shed your cultural conditioning of guilt and fear of stepping into your most authentic powerful selves. Shed these heavier energies. You don’t need them anymore, and they’ve been burdening me for way too long.

I Love you all! Dance, shed, drum, cry if you need to. Cathart with art. Oh, I like that one. ;~) I Love you all. It’s time to full on bring this New World in with joy and fun, and I’m helping you all. Tap into me. I’m here for you! So, so much love for you… So much!


Connect with My Love – Message from Mother, Dec 8, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


Oh, my children, my beloved children,

How I love you. The love I have for you is so ancient and pure and huge. Please tap into me. Please connect with me, your Earth Mother, in these difficult times.

I see so many of you struggling and feeling overwhelmed. My heart goes out to you and yet I am here for you to help you. But almost all of you have forgotten about me.

You have never learned who I truly am. I am your planetary caretaker. I was assigned to Earth when the planet first formed. I Love you.

Connect with me energetically, from your heart to my heart in the very center of me, the center of Earth.

Drop your energy down to me, and send love down to me. Connect with me. I am here for you in more ways than you know.

Feel love in your heart, and then send that love down to me. And then ask me to give you Love back. I am an ancient, ancient spiritual being and know when you send love to me. I will send my Quantum Divine Love back to you each time you ask me. I love you regardless but when you truly connect with me then the Love you receive from me is quantum, quantum.

There are intense energies swirling on me. You don’t have to get caught up in them. You really don’t.

Connect with me. Learn to still your minds. Your media is helping to create the intensity. Don’t believe all that you read or hear.

Don’t believe all the stories in your head.

Drop your energy down to your heart. Drop your energies down to my heart.

Be compassion.

Be compassionate toward yourself, first and foremost. That is where true compassion starts.

From there you can ripple out the golden honey of compassion to all around you in a most beautiful way.

Find time in the day to come to Stillness. Still your minds. Let the multitude of fears, thoughts, judgments come to Stillness. Shed them in this moment. And the next moment and the next.

Be Compassion.

Be Kind. To yourself.

To others.

Connect with me.

I am here for you. Always.


I love you so, so, so much. A whole earthy planet full of Quantum Divine Love. I’m here.

(c) Mare Cromwell



July 13, 2015 – Message from Mother – Love your Wounded Inner Child

[Whoa… am working very closely with Mother these days…. it’s amazing and daunting, and really good… This just came in this morning.]
A note to all from Mother:

My beloveds… I love you all so, so much. Know that these are the times of Great Change and the energies are accelerating. These are the times to go deeper and deeper and do your inner work, your wounded inner child work. With love. With compassion… with kindness toward yourself. With beautiful, beautiful kindness toward yourself. I love you so, so much… I send you kindness too, and so much more Quantum Divine Love, more than you could ever fathom. Creation sends you Quantum Divine Love… Please open yourselves up to this… it will help you greatly.

Be careful of your time on social media. There are such powerful collective energies circulating here that will pull you into a spin and not be helpful. My sensitives know what I’m talking about here. Every word, every emotion expressed here on FB or Twitter has a resonance that touches each of you, in subtle and powerful ways that is not overly helpful in my view … as so many of you are sending out anger, frustration, even hatred here. Or Twitter … Or you humans are sending this out in your life in general.

Be kind to yourselves… and look at what is being triggered within you. These are the times of healing the wounded inner child within… gently, compassionately… and deeply. These are the times of the Spiritual Warriors doing this work, and all of you have the capacity to be a Spiritual Warrior. All of you… whether you realize it or not. I love all of you so much.

Pray. Meditate. Go stand outside barefoot and give me, Mother, your tension, your sorrow, your anger, your frustration. Drop them down into the center of the Earth. I can compost all of that and more. Believe me, I can. Please don’t direct it out at others. Or share it so willy-nilly via your keyboard on social media. It only amps the global emotional spin up and sends others reeling.

I love you all… These are beautiful times. Amazing times… A New World is being born now, and it will be so glorious. And all of you can help birth it… all of you. Release the thorns from your hearts… gently… with kindness. And if you need a lot of chocolate to support you, go for it. Or hugs. Or a sister or brother friend… to listen to you. Seek them out. This is not the time to be alone all the time and just stew in your fears. Yes, being alone at times is good. And needed. But you all need each other these days… in community, in support of each other, on so many levels. In beautiful, beautiful ways… you can weave your energies together to serve the highest good. These are the times…

I will share more later…

I love you… more than you can ever know. So much more… So, so much love… !

image courtesy of the circulating library on FB.  ;~)
image courtesy of the circulating library on FB. ;~)

Earth Mother Answers a Question about Weather Manipulation

[A good friend who knows of my deep connection with Earth Mother and capacity to communicate with her sent me this question two days ago. So I asked Mother and below is the original question and response. The bottom-line is kind of three things: 1) that we two-leggeds need to get over our arrogance in thinking we know about “Nature” and can control “her”. Mother is far more powerful, along with all of the legions of spiritual beings here on Earth who work closely with her — than most of us realize.Heart-From-Cloud 2) It would be helpful if we stopped trying to manipulate various parts of Mother and woke up. And 3) Mother loves us so much, so much… it’s beyond words how much love she has for us. Just huge. She is waiting for us to reconnect with her and tap into this Love. Enjoy!  hugs, bigLove, mare]


For many years, I have followed the various government and private programs for weather modification that begin in the 1940s.. The project spectrum covers everything from cloud seeding to redirecting and weakening hurricanes and tornadoes to producing artificial fogs and other element changes for defensive as well as offensive purposes.. The information about these efforts mostly public, but not highly publicized.  A new book came out recently titled Weather Warfare by Jerry E. Smith detailing many of the programs that have civilian as well as defense application. It should interest you.

Weather modification is one of the most serious threats to our planet’s natural cycles and poses serious problems to the environment world wide. Man is “improving” and “interfrring” with nature for goals that may not be in the interest of either the planet or its inhabitants whether they have legs, fins, wings or slithery skin.

One of these programs released a blanket composed of millions of copper “needles” into the ionosphere to increase the effectiveness of radio waves and improve communication. However, there was no way to get it down and its long term effects are not known..  Another program released barium into rain clouds, but it was not taken into consideration that barium was harmful to human health or that it would be in dangerous concentrations when it fell to earth.  Various programs were disbanded because there were unexpected negative effects or because they didn’t work. The side effects were quietly put aside for fear of litigation  The damage caused remains with us.

What I am pointing out is that there are funded programs that are changing the environment at higher levels than cattle flatulence in the Amazon, industrial air pollution or deforestation.. These weather modification systems are largely unregulated because they are either time driven by grant or need or for defense. There are no laws that protect the planet from harm due to this experimentation.

In addition, Russia has a program of weather modification in cooperation with the Mexican government.  Consider the implications.  The Western states and Florida are our breadbasket for fresh fruits and produce.  The MidWest is largely grain and soy which is primary exported.  If the weather changes in the West, which it has, it spells severe problems for our food supply. California now has one year of water left and Arizona has six. In the Clinton era, we signed agreements -NAFTRA was one – for easier imports of food stuffs from Mexico, which benefited the Mexican economy without raising the living conditions of the farmers. Western droughts and MidWest floods severely impact U.S. food supplies but are a boon for the Mexican government. Obviously, weather programs have a corporate agenda as well as defense goals. In addition to Russia, China also has weather modification programs.

What you are now doing is educating people with Mother’s guidance. I wonder what Mother’s guidance is on this problem which is affecting us in the short term, not to mention long term. Climate change may include natural cycles but it most surely is a product of human interference,  not all from greenhouse gases.



What I’m being guided to share is that Mother is very aware, of course, of all these things. And the nature spirits and all from the spiritual realms here who work closely with Mother and some of the other higher level spiritual beings aligned with Mother from outside the planet in these interesting times, are very aware.

The Nature spirits who work with weather patterns are pissed off about all this stuff. More than Mother is pissed off, actually. So they’re whipping up storms that are only getting more colossal. It’s a complicated formula actually… the cause of these extreme storms. Too much CO2 is part of it. All the lower vibrational emotional energies from humans who aren’t doing their spiritual/emotional work is another ingredient. There is more.

Mother is more irritated than super, super angry but knows in time it will all shift back into balance again. Mother is making sure of this.

What I’m also being told is that there are some very powerful spiritual beings coming in from outside the planet and some more from here who are mitigating all the stuff the gov’ts and corporations are doing to the atmosphere. There are a class of spiritual beings who are transmuting the chem trails, for instance, also. The foolishness of these two-leggeds trying to manipulate the weather kinda makes these spiritual beings laugh. They don’t appreciate the human arrogance though.

There are so many aligned with Mother that all of this stuff is a just a short-term blip in the longer-term historic screen of history on this planet. The darker beings who have been in control of all this chaos and lower vibrational, fear, control, patriarchal oriented efforts are leaving in droves. Have been for some time. We’re just shifting into the intensity of purging these old ways, and old energies as things shift into the 4th and 5th dimension more and more.

It is a good time to have a seat belt, regardless. Things are happening fast.  ;~)

Okay, gotta get onto some other stuff.

hugs, blessings,



Ps. not sure I answered your main question. Mother’s guidance is to try to stop these silly two-leggeds, as best as we can. And to continue to connect with her in sacred, energetic ways. Do our emotional work, our spiritual work. Live in our higher selves, connect with the Christ Consciousness… Shed the fears. Shed the fears. Shed the fears…

For any reading this and interested, this type of teaching from Mother can be found in my two books: The Great Mother Bible ( just coming out now – Spring 2015), and Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother (2012). There is an Indiegogo campaign live now through April 22nd to help print and raise the funds to majorly promote The Great Mother Bible so that Mother’s wisdom can be spread far and wide. To learn more about this crowd-funding campaign, click here.

