Message from Gaia – These are the Times! 6/26/19

My beautiful children,
These are the times of intense energies both swirling around me, and within yourselves.
And Intense Love.
Calling for intense forgiveness of yourselves and the others in your life.
These are the times to go deep, deep and heal your inner woundedness, the emotional scars from your childhood, your past lives, your loves lost and more.

THESE ARE the times to remember how beautiful you are inside and out, regardless of your woundedness, and inner pain.

Please call on me, your Mother, to hold you in your fragile emotional states of pain and suffering, so that you can deeply release that sorrow, that despair, the dark, dark corners within you that are so yearning to be loved up, in spite of the terrible shadows of darkness they wallow in.

I Love your Shadowy wounds as much as I love your golden hearts and ways that you give so much to the world.
I love each and every one of you so much.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are not Alone. I Love you…

Please know this is only a phase in your journey, this Dark Night of the Soul that you are seemingly stuck in.
You are only stuck in it if you choose to try to run away from it and the inner work that it is calling you to do — to heal into fully discovering how beautiful you are with your human flaws that you are learning to Love UP.

Please be gentle with yourselves.
Please be gentle with the others in your lives.
Most humans are doing the best they can and getting hit rather hard by these energies too. You are not Alone…

And for those humans who are surfing these intense energies rather well ~
PLEASE join me, connect with my heart in the center of me, your Sacred Earth, to help weave a net of compassion and gentleness around me, your Mother, to support those who are suffering so much.

Your Love and Your Light are far more powerful than you realize.


Know that there is a tremendous host of beautiful Angels and more already weaving this Global Grid of Quantum Divine LOVE Support. They are part of my team. And they NEED your golden hearts and Love and Light to make it fully manifest.


I LOVE you so, so much!
~ Mother Gaia



Message from Mother Gaia – During Double Eclipse Intensity. 8/9/17

#EarthmotherMessages – From Mother #Gaia.

My children, my children,
I love you so much.
Yes, these are intense times and many of you feel squeezed as if you are being pushed between the eye of a needle.

Breathe, my beautiful ones. Know that things are not what they seem and breathe. Connect with my limitless Love that I have for you. Shed, shed, shed, shed those fears of change.

Celebrate each moment, each flower, each sweet drop of water in your life.

The truth is that you are Love. You are Loved by myself and Mother-Father God. You are beautiful.

You are going to make it through this time. You are!

Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself, love yourself.

Be gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle with yourself.

Love.Yourself. Forgive.Yourself. Forgive all. All.

Connect with me, your true Mother here on Earth. Touch me with your bare feet, with the trees, the flowers, the bees and more. They are all blowing kisses at you everytime you walk by them, but you just never learned that.

I am here for you. Breathe.
Celebrate your earthly body.

With so, so, so, so much Love to each one of you!
– Mother Gaia



Go Gently, My Children – Message from Mother, Nov 25, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website:]


My children, my beloved children, go gently into this holiday season. Be gentle with yourself.

You are all my children, even your family members.

Remember all any of you are seeking is love and acceptance. Compassion. That includes your family members too.

I am always here for you.


I love you all so, so, so much. So much more than you can ever truly know. Now go off and be gentle.

~ Mother
