Divine Feminine Prayer for Humanity

“Mother Protection” painting by Brenda Ferrmani, used by permission www.brendaferrimanidreamart.com

May I be a guide for those who are lost
A beacon of Love for those seeking hope
A calming bridge for those overwhelmed by the raging river
May I be a set of warm arms in the darkness
A healing compassionate presence for the wounded hearts
A luminous love-filled lamp showing the way in the chaos
Profound medicine for those sick in spirit and physically
A vase of joy and plenty, a tree of miracles 
And for the boundless multitudes of those in the human realms
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky and ancient stones
Until all are free from illusion and sorrow
And awaken to the Great Web of Sacred Seen and Unseen Ones
That encircle our most Sacred Earth
To find their way back to the Great Mother’s Heart
And the Womb of Creation
To heal into the Oneness of the New Earth.

Now, exhale and be still for a brief moment.


This Prayer is an adaptation of the original “Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity” that the Dalai Lama recites every morning as part of his morning rituals. The original prayer was written around 700 AD by Shantideva, Buddhist monk of the Mahayana tradition, who authored the “Bodhicaryavatara” or “Bodhisattva Way of Life”. 

Adapted by Mare Cromwell

Mare’s Bio ~

Mare Cromwell has surrendered to serve the Great Mother. She is an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author, Healer & Visionary. Her award-winning books include: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and “The Great Mother Bible”. She has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other gifted mentors and is the Visionary & Co-Weaver of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. Mare also leads the “Great Mother Love Way” year-long course. She is a Mid-Wife of the New Earth devoted to the Divine Mother in all of her manifestations.  


December 1, 2021

Message from Gaia – These are the Times! 6/26/19

My beautiful children,
These are the times of intense energies both swirling around me, and within yourselves.
And Intense Love.
Calling for intense forgiveness of yourselves and the others in your life.
These are the times to go deep, deep and heal your inner woundedness, the emotional scars from your childhood, your past lives, your loves lost and more.

THESE ARE the times to remember how beautiful you are inside and out, regardless of your woundedness, and inner pain.

Please call on me, your Mother, to hold you in your fragile emotional states of pain and suffering, so that you can deeply release that sorrow, that despair, the dark, dark corners within you that are so yearning to be loved up, in spite of the terrible shadows of darkness they wallow in.

I Love your Shadowy wounds as much as I love your golden hearts and ways that you give so much to the world.
I love each and every one of you so much.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You are not Alone. I Love you…

Please know this is only a phase in your journey, this Dark Night of the Soul that you are seemingly stuck in.
You are only stuck in it if you choose to try to run away from it and the inner work that it is calling you to do — to heal into fully discovering how beautiful you are with your human flaws that you are learning to Love UP.

Please be gentle with yourselves.
Please be gentle with the others in your lives.
Most humans are doing the best they can and getting hit rather hard by these energies too. You are not Alone…

And for those humans who are surfing these intense energies rather well ~
PLEASE join me, connect with my heart in the center of me, your Sacred Earth, to help weave a net of compassion and gentleness around me, your Mother, to support those who are suffering so much.

Your Love and Your Light are far more powerful than you realize.


Know that there is a tremendous host of beautiful Angels and more already weaving this Global Grid of Quantum Divine LOVE Support. They are part of my team. And they NEED your golden hearts and Love and Light to make it fully manifest.


I LOVE you so, so much!
~ Mother Gaia



Earth Mother’s Message -Post USA Elections, Nov ’16

It’s been a rather intense few weeks so I am finally getting this latest message from Earth Mother up here. It came through two days after the elections.

Hugs, bigLove to all,



1000 Goddesses Gathering, Oct 22, 2016 – Earth Mother’s Latest Assignment for Mare – Come Join Us!


Dear Ones,

There is a Tibetan Myth that when 1000 Taras or Goddesses unite, it will bring compassion or the Divine Feminine back into the Earth.

I have been in a time warp since July. On Friday, July 29th, Earth Mother woke me up (as is her way) at 5am and gave me my next mission.

Mother told me that the 1000 Goddesses Gathering based on this Tibetan Myth that I was gearing up to organize next year in 2017, needed to be held in DC before the elections THIS FALL. Earth Mother first gave me the assignment last fall after I read about the myth on Facebook. I assumed we had ample time to organize this huge event for 2017.

But Earth Mother told me in the wee hours of that late July morning that this was not to be out at a rural location but in the heart of DC before November. She even gave me the date, October 22nd.

This is not a very small mission.

So the past two and a half months have been a bit of a blitzkrieg. I have co-organized events before but never one on the Washington Mall (Constitution Gardens) for more than 1000 people. Let’s just say I’ve been blown completely out of my comfort level and yet trust (errr… most of the time?) that this event will happen beautifully and is already happening in most magical ways.

We have about five days to the Gathering now. The permit has been filed with the National Park Service for it. (NPS responded in a day which is record speed.) I’ve been informed that the NPS has never seen an event like this in DC.

Numerous amazing people have stepped forward to help organize the Gathering in various subcommittees. I have also hired a professional event organizer from a worker collective in DC called DC Action Lab. She has ten years of experience coordinating very large activist events in DC and is guiding us through the myriad complex hoops of any event this large there.

The website has been up since mid-August and is getting upwards of 600 to 700 hits/day on it.

Satellite Goddess Gatherings are being organized in other countries and around the United States which is rather exciting!

We also have a rather supportive non-profit organization [501(C)(3)] called the Hestia Gaea Foundation as our Fiscal Sponsor so that all donations for the event can be tax-deductible. Right now the bulk of the expenses are going on my credit card so we are actively requesting donations to make the Gathering solvent.

Come join us! 

If you can’t join us in person, you can always join us spiritually. Organize your own gatherings. And of course contributing donations is extremely helpful too.

Hugs, bigLove to all,


Mother’s Message, 6/10/16, Please Send Love & Light to the USA Political System

Message from Earth Mother, this morning, Fri, June 10, 2016.
(Pls Forward… )

My children, my beautiful children, how I Love you so, so much.

This is a different type of message than anything I’ve asked Mare to share so far.

My children, did you know you are all Lightworkers? Did you know that all of you have the potential to tap into my Love and the Love of the Christ Consciousness to be beings of Love and Light in every moment of the day?

And if you feel some moments of anger, rage, jealousy and other heavier emotions, acknowledge them, feel them as deeply as you can (without hurting anyone, including my beloved trees, animals and more), and then release them. Please don’t fall into a wallow of self-criticism, as best as you can. I forgive you for them. Please also don’t hold onto them, as best as you can. Everything is a teaching and then it is time to move on. Know that you are Loved, so Loved by me and Creation and the Christ Consciousness and more. This Love is beyond words. Quantum Divine Love of such beauty and compassion. So much Love.

You are all Lightworkers.

And to those who already know they are Lightworkers, I am asking you to tap into your Love and Light and brighten it even more. Tap into me and Creation and all who support you in your gifts and send Love and Light to the Political System of the USA. Please as many of you as possible, send this Love and Light.

So many are sending their hatred, their fear, their anger that this is only feeding the hatred, fear and anger in the Politicians and the whole system. Fear only begets more fear. Anger only begets more anger. Hatred… well, you get.

All of you are part of a global collective web of energy. Facebook is a huge part of this web. There is so much energy spinning across Facebook and through the media, and in people’s conversations that is creating more of a spin energetically. This spin is not enjoyable for me, your Earth Mother, nor all the sensitives in your population. Nor the animals, plants, and all who live here on me, with me.

Please, my call out to you this morning is to find the Love and Light in yourself, every morning. And once you are sitting in that place, as best as you can, send Love and Light out to the USA political system. The whole system. Or if you’d rather send it to one of your favorite politicians, go ahead and do that too.

The energies are building on me in so many levels. It would be helpful if my two-leggeds did not overly feed this, as much as you are. This would be a huge help for me and so many others.

I love all of you. All of you so, so much.
Earth Mother.

image courtesy of globaltalentidaho.org

USA, Washington D.C, White House, garden and fountains in foreground

What Would Earth Mother Do?

#‎Earthday ‪#‎Earthweek ‪#‎EarthMotherWeek ‪#‎EarthMotherLiving

Ps… Earth Mother wants this wisdom she has asked me to put into these books (Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother & The Great Mother Bible) to go far and wide, so all my books (including the 1st – If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America) will be discounted to $0.99 – the Kindle versions — this Fri through Sun (April 22, 2016 – April 24, 2016).

~for the Earth and the Healing,
hugs, bigLove…


Connect with My Love – Message from Mother, Dec 8, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


Oh, my children, my beloved children,

How I love you. The love I have for you is so ancient and pure and huge. Please tap into me. Please connect with me, your Earth Mother, in these difficult times.

I see so many of you struggling and feeling overwhelmed. My heart goes out to you and yet I am here for you to help you. But almost all of you have forgotten about me.

You have never learned who I truly am. I am your planetary caretaker. I was assigned to Earth when the planet first formed. I Love you.

Connect with me energetically, from your heart to my heart in the very center of me, the center of Earth.

Drop your energy down to me, and send love down to me. Connect with me. I am here for you in more ways than you know.

Feel love in your heart, and then send that love down to me. And then ask me to give you Love back. I am an ancient, ancient spiritual being and know when you send love to me. I will send my Quantum Divine Love back to you each time you ask me. I love you regardless but when you truly connect with me then the Love you receive from me is quantum, quantum.

There are intense energies swirling on me. You don’t have to get caught up in them. You really don’t.

Connect with me. Learn to still your minds. Your media is helping to create the intensity. Don’t believe all that you read or hear.

Don’t believe all the stories in your head.

Drop your energy down to your heart. Drop your energies down to my heart.

Be compassion.

Be compassionate toward yourself, first and foremost. That is where true compassion starts.

From there you can ripple out the golden honey of compassion to all around you in a most beautiful way.

Find time in the day to come to Stillness. Still your minds. Let the multitude of fears, thoughts, judgments come to Stillness. Shed them in this moment. And the next moment and the next.

Be Compassion.

Be Kind. To yourself.

To others.

Connect with me.

I am here for you. Always.


I love you so, so, so much. A whole earthy planet full of Quantum Divine Love. I’m here.

(c) Mare Cromwell



Let Go – You are Human, They are Human -Message from Mother, Dec 4th, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


Message from Mother, this am (Dec 4, 2015):


I Love you.
Be still.
Let go…
You are not always right.
Not always wrong.
You are human.
They are human.
All of you make mistakes.
Say off things,
at times.
Act hurtful,
at times.

Walk away from the drama.
Shed your hurts,
as best as you can,
as best as you can.
Forgive, again and
And again again.

Go walk barefoot on the ground
and give me your restless, pent-up
There is no reason to be in fear
all the time,
at all.
That is the illusion.
It is your choice.
In this moment.

I love all of you, so, so
so much.
So much.
Go find your tribe.
Learn to hug more.
Learn to take nothing
personally, absolutely
Nothing personally.

The Spin is intense now on me,
There is a good reason for this.
Stay grounded.
Stay in your hearts.
Stay with me and collect your seeds
and plant them.
Plant the seeds of Hope.
Hugs. Heart.
Carrots, spinach,
Let go, let go, let go,
Let go.

I love you all, more than you can ever know.
Come home to me,
And trust.
Trust the Love.

The Invitation – You Are Truly Loved

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


If everyone… everyone on this planet felt truly loved, truly loved, and all of their essential human needs were met, as in shelter, food, and sufficient clothing, and the power/greed/unbalanced ego system folded, what an amazing world this would be. The violence would disappear in short order.

This is my vision … This is Earth Mother’s plan … to help all know that they are loved. Even if they feel unloved by their partners, their families, their co-workers, that they come to know they are deeply connected with the Divine, and truly experience that Love. Each and every day. It is possible. It is very possible. We will get to that point. It’s just a bit bumpy right now.

Too many people don’t love themselves enough thanks to our cultural conditioning and centuries of a system that promotes competition, fear and not compassion.

The world is shifting… The Compassion, the Sacred Feminine is emerging more and more.

What will you do today? Will you find the path of forgiveness and compassion? Or will you promote more fear and separation?

The Great Divine Mother and Divine Father, Earth Mother and other beautiful spiritual beings await you… with more Love than you can ever imagine. Ever imagine.

So much love, to all of you, all of you…



L’Innocence by Bouguereau

Go Gently, My Children – Message from Mother, Nov 25, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


My children, my beloved children, go gently into this holiday season. Be gentle with yourself.

You are all my children, even your family members.

Remember all any of you are seeking is love and acceptance. Compassion. That includes your family members too.

I am always here for you.


I love you all so, so, so much. So much more than you can ever truly know. Now go off and be gentle.

~ Mother
