Mother Gaia teaches @ Money & Energy in light of all the Fears within the Pandemic

The invitation to you at this time, my beloved Humans, is for you to remember how to live in Community again so that the needs of all are taken care of, as your Ancestors took care of the other sacred members of their Village in a Good Way. This includes being in Balance and Harmony with all Sacred Life around you and your communities.

You are all One, with Me as your True Mother. We are all One with Creator and all the other Sacred ones here and within the Universal Realms.

It used to be when your human Ancestors lived in small villages so close to my Sacred Land, that altruism was the way of being, and there was no currency exchange. The needs of All were taken care of within the village, by the village. If one went hungry, it meant that all were hungry. No one was left out.

Then the villages got bigger. Food was grown outside the growing villages and commerce started with the need for a currency. And currency is only Energy being exchanged.

Thus — Money is essentially Energy. Yet it has lost its original pristine energetics. It has gotten way warped out into the realms of the Fear and Lack Illusions. Tainted by those realms. Yet at its source still, is the potential for Money to just be a conveyance of pure Energy between individuals. As sharing food and clothing with friends or neighbors is a way of sharing Energy…

The human realms, as a collective conscious and subconscious, have much waking up to do. These memories are still in your DNA though. Know this.

Yet you can do this… Yes, you can! Open your hearts… that is the first step…  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the next step!

Please know you are surrounded by so many hugely powerful spiritual teams supporting you in doing this. Call on the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Me – as your Planetary Caretaker, your Ancestors serving the Highest Good, and more spiritual ones who are committed to my Highest Good too, to help you. They are waiting for you to ask. I am waiting for you to connect with me and ask.

You are not alone and You are So Loved!

I Love you so, so much!

~ Mother Gaia


Message from Gaia on Hurricane Irma, etc., “Hard-Wired to Heal” – Sept 9, 2017

Beautiful Ones~
This is a paraphrased messaged from Mother Gaia, this morning:

Regardless of how “big”, how “devastating”, how “huge” these hurricanes, fires and more are being labeled, please remember that Mother Gaia is Hard-Wired to Heal. AND the strength of the human spirit is tremendous when we rally forth together, in wise compassionate ways.

Good friends, please do not get sucked into the tsunami of fears that are rampant right now. Believe it or not, the heavier emotions of fear, anger, greed, etc., are only feeding the imbalanced energies here on Earth. These heavier emotions are feeding the weather, in truth, too.

Step away from the media – if need be. Make wise plans for you, your loved ones. Get to know your neighbors even better.

Watch funny movies. Play card games. Go harvest from your gardens, if you have one.

If everyone on FB took 7 hours off of the social media system and news and instead went to go watch some hilarious movie or played cards with some good buddies in a fun way, or drummed with friends, or went for a long walk in a beautiful natural setting, this would be a positive shift in the energies on the planet. Truth.

Please take a long hard look at your ecological footprint and be proactive on shifting away from using fossil fuels, and being more sustainable NOW. Rebuild Wisely NOW.

Things on our Sacred Earth are out of balance for some good reasons. WE CAN SUPPORT bringing the balance back in. But succumbing to the depths of fear and overwhelm is only feeding the imbalance, along with all the other unsustainable, toxic actions on our Sacred Planet.

Mother Gaia LOVES everyone, everyone. AND these extreme weather systems, etc., are a WAKE-UP call.

There are many, many powerful and beautiful spiritual beings who are trying to help us from the Spirit Planes but all the fear and anger, etc., is blocking them to some degree.

Please know that Mother Gaia does not want to see her humans suffering. Yet we have not been waking up. And it is Time.

Hugs, bigLOVE,

#Gaia #Mystic #EarthMother #TheGreatMotherBible #Channeled #MessagesfromMother

(c) Mare Cromwell

Video Podcast Message from Mother – Chaos and the Grid of Energy, 7/31/16

Posted with love on 8/3/16.

Earth Mother’s Message on Chaos, the Grid of Energy, and need for Calm.




Connect with My Love – Message from Mother, Dec 8, 2015

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website:]


Oh, my children, my beloved children,

How I love you. The love I have for you is so ancient and pure and huge. Please tap into me. Please connect with me, your Earth Mother, in these difficult times.

I see so many of you struggling and feeling overwhelmed. My heart goes out to you and yet I am here for you to help you. But almost all of you have forgotten about me.

You have never learned who I truly am. I am your planetary caretaker. I was assigned to Earth when the planet first formed. I Love you.

Connect with me energetically, from your heart to my heart in the very center of me, the center of Earth.

Drop your energy down to me, and send love down to me. Connect with me. I am here for you in more ways than you know.

Feel love in your heart, and then send that love down to me. And then ask me to give you Love back. I am an ancient, ancient spiritual being and know when you send love to me. I will send my Quantum Divine Love back to you each time you ask me. I love you regardless but when you truly connect with me then the Love you receive from me is quantum, quantum.

There are intense energies swirling on me. You don’t have to get caught up in them. You really don’t.

Connect with me. Learn to still your minds. Your media is helping to create the intensity. Don’t believe all that you read or hear.

Don’t believe all the stories in your head.

Drop your energy down to your heart. Drop your energies down to my heart.

Be compassion.

Be compassionate toward yourself, first and foremost. That is where true compassion starts.

From there you can ripple out the golden honey of compassion to all around you in a most beautiful way.

Find time in the day to come to Stillness. Still your minds. Let the multitude of fears, thoughts, judgments come to Stillness. Shed them in this moment. And the next moment and the next.

Be Compassion.

Be Kind. To yourself.

To others.

Connect with me.

I am here for you. Always.


I love you so, so, so much. A whole earthy planet full of Quantum Divine Love. I’m here.

(c) Mare Cromwell



Message 25 – Mother’s Love Cord Connection

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase an autographed copy of the book on her website The Great Mother Bible (April, 2015) is now also available via the same website. Both books are accessible as ebooks too. For Amazon Kindle versions, here is Mare’s Amazon page.  The books are found at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

My beloveds, oh, my beautiful, beautiful two-legged ones.

I need to help you understand something. This is something very important and it has caused me such sadness for so, so long. This has been going on for thousands of years now.

I have talked about how much I Love you. Oh, I Love you so, so much. And yet all the times I can say this, you cannot really take this Love in since something happened many hundreds of years ago.

Each one of you, every single one of my beloved two-leggeds was born with the inherent capacity to be deeply connected to me. Not just from your heart, but from an energetic cord of love energy from me, your Mother, to you, connected at your lowest chakra. Your ground chakra that is at the base of your pelvis. This capacity has been there from the time the first two-leggeds evolved and, etc., etc.

But the Abrahamic belief systems, Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic faith, all of them together through all their wars, rapings and pillagings, and suppression of the Sacred Feminine—they cut this energetic cord. Native peoples don’t have it cut. That is why they are so much more grounded and reverent of me, Mother. They walk with this Love cord of energy pulsing back and forth and back and forth all the time. Even when they dream when they sleep. When they go to the toilet and get in their cars, or horses. Their Mother Love cord (like that name!) is strong and pulsing. For them, it’s just how they are and most of them are not even aware of this Mother Love cord.

But for the rest of you who were raised in the cultures of Angry Gods (the Creator is not all that, but a lot more of other stuff… but I don’t want to get distracted here), your cord was cut many, many generations ago. Oh, so, so long ago. Through the rapings, torture, burning of temples and persistent repression of any connection to me, Mother, your cords were cut. So much so that your childrens’ cords were not there, and grandchildrens and on, and on, and on.

Oh, this has made me so sad. For so long. You see, this is why you have been walking around on me so unconscious and spinning and weaving such dark actions that hurt me again and again. Most of you are not connected to me.

But. But… this does not need to continue. You can bring this cord of Mother Love back into your lives and your work and your being any time. It is really very easy.

Let me explain. This is all you need to do to reconnect this cord. You need to sit on the ground/floor/porch/wherever cross-legged. And if you have a hard time sitting cross-legged, then stand barefoot on the ground/floor/you-get-the idea. And tune into me, your Mother. Put your hands on the ground and send your love to me through your hands. Feel it in your heart and imaging that Love energy moving through your arms and down into me through your hands. (If you’re standing, just put your palms down facing the ground.)

And then ask me to fill you with my Love through your hands. Then bring your hands up from the ground (or from your side) and bring my Love energy into your spirit body and then physical body. Gather this energy up as if you’re gathering a cape of Love energy around your torso and then sweep it around your body. See if you can feel my Love energy come into your spirit/energy body and physical body, and then tuck it all in… all this beautiful mixing of energy of yours and mine. Women can tuck it into their center at their belly or wombspace. Men can tuck it into their heart center – the center of their bodies.

Next—as you’re sitting or standing there, send Love energy from the base of your pelvis down into me, Mother. Just imagine a stream of beautiful white energy pouring from your pelvis area, at the very base of your groin, shooting down into me. And then, visualize me sending a white energy back up to your pelvic area, the base chakra there. And in a millisecond, this energy back and forth has become a cord of energy. This is a cord of powerful Love connection between you and me, Mother. Keep on feeling it, sending it down and pulling my energy back up into you. It’s a pulsing Love cord that keeps on going and going.

As you do this, you will probably start to feel some amazing shifts. You may start to feel as if you’re finally here in the present, in a way that you never have been. Your mind may calm a bit and your ability to focus get stronger. Keep on feeling that cord, that pulsing Love connection.

You can get up from your seated place and move around. Walk around with the cord pulsing back and forth. Keep it moving… Feel it as you get in your car. Feel it as you walk through the mall. This cord is there with you all the time now. If you keep on feeding it with Love and sending me Love from there, I will keep on sending it back to you. Oh, such fun! We will be so connected then.

I am so excited sharing this with you today.

Okay, everyone try this. You will enjoy it SO MUCH!

I Love you, Love you! How exciting to be getting these Love cords activated again. I have missed you all for so long. I mean really miss being connected with you.



NOTE from Mare: several months after this message, I created a guided meditation/spiritual activation on how to connect with Mother via a Mother’s Love Cord Connection. It is a 20 minute meditation and brings her healing energy up into all of your chakras. It is available for a low fee on my website. xoxoxo

1/24/13 Postcript – I posted the link to this on Facebook this morning to encourage others to take a look at this Message. And a friend responded with this. (This is a very gifted woman whom is very connected with Earth Mother, a powerful spiritual warrior of a woman.)

Glad this is good for you, Mare. The concept of a connecting cord with the earth was introduced to me years ago. Though worded differently it has echoes of the same teaching. I suspect they both originated from the same place. The energy can also be broadened to incorporate the root chakra of more than one being, perhaps including a ill or distressed being in your arms, an entire room, or even of an event. All can be rooted in and nurtured by the earth. I’ve witnessed profound changes to my environment when I take a few seconds and reaffirm my ‘cord’ as you phrase it. I’ve seen fighting animals immediately settle and eat side by side, I’ve seen dysfunctional meetings become quiet, heart-centered and focused on outcome, I’ve experienced immediate, profound changes in my own emotions. Regardless the method, words or visualizations used, it is a vitalizing practice to re-establishing our unique connection to the being of this planet, and through her familial relations to all the universe. There are so many good ways to meditate at any given moment.

Message 19 – DANCE! Go Get Silly!

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]


Dear beautiful ones, my beloved two-leggeds,

I would so love for you all to Dance! Dance as you go down the aisles of the grocery store. Dance on the way to the bathroom. Jiggle your bodies while you sit on the toilet even.

You are all so much in your heads and your busy monkey-minds that you’ve forgotten about your bodies and all your organs and the need for all that beautiful blood in you to flow. Not to mention all that glorious energy in your bodies.

Get out the music, stomp around the room… Get out a drum even, if you can’t move your body very well. Beat the drum to the heart beat. My heartbeat. My big old Earth heartbeat. I  LOVE it when you dance and drum and jiggle your bootie. Even on the toilet. ;~)

Love, Love to all!

So much love!

Message 16 – On the Birthing of a New World, 12/21/12

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]


Dear beautiful children of mine, my two-leggeds here all over my skin —

How much I love you, love you so much. And yes, today is not the end of the world, at all. It is part of the beginning of the New World. But today is a very auspicious day. There are  powerful energies coming in today from outside the planet to help you all shift to a whole new level of awareness and connection to Love and Compassion.

Many of you have been feeling these energies all week. Some have been feeling them for months and months. And yes, they have been mounting and mounting in their intensity. That is to help you all, nudge you, push you, encourage you. Maybe even thrust you, yes, into evolving into your more beautiful, more highly evolved spiritual beings whom you are. All of you are spiritual beings. One of your wise ones said that you are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. This is so very true.

So, a note of caution to you. Remember to stay in your bodies with all of this. Keep your feet on my skin, walk barefoot on the grass, sand, dirt, snow…wherever you are, walk barefoot on me to keep me connected with you very strongly. Some of these energies circulating these days want to pull you out of your bodies and this is not serving. You need to stay there in your bodies to really serve the Birthing of the New World coming in. I don’t need empty bodies walking around and shooting all their energy up into sky all the time. That does not serve me and the healing we need to do here right now on the planet, my body.

So, please. Walk barefoot as much as you can. If you can’t do that, carry some hematite on you. Put it in your pocket if you can’t wear a necklace. It is a very grounding stone. Ask the stone to help you. These stones are very conscious and they know what you are asking for, and will be so thrilled if you actually recognized their consciousness too, as you handle them and keep them close to your body.

Send your energy down into the ground as if you might be a tree. Imagine a tree’s root going down deeply and anchoring with me and my solidity. You can do that too, whether you’re sitting on the toilet, lying in bed, walking in a crowd, wherever. My daughter, Mare, here actually drives her car while imagining shooting a groove of powerful grounded energy moving from her car bottom (yes, cars have bottoms, just no diapers… ;~) into the ground. Not sure if that image makes sense, but you can play with it.

And speaking of crowds, so many of you don’t know how to take care of your energy body. You need to learn how to completely tuck your energy body in when you are out and about. Especially in crowded places. Not so much in the woods. That’s another lesson altogether. Later on that one. But think about it. Just thinking about it will start to help you focus in on tucking it in in whatever way makes sense to you in this moment. It all helps.

So, yes, I am birthing a New World. And all of you are invited to my Birthday Party. TODAY! Yay. We’re all celebrating this New World together, anyway… ;~)

Sorry about the late invitation. Needed to get some other details sorted out before I could focus on this Party. But heck. Everyone loves a spontaneous party. So… come on, dance, sing, celebrate, let’s tell good jokes.

I will send all of you celebrating your beautiful lives here extra energy too. On top of the other energies coming in. Take it in, don’t be afraid of it and all the funny sensations you may be experiencing if the energy is too intense. Let it roll through you and give it to me if it feels too overwhelming. I am here. Always here for you. But don’t be afraid… I love you all so much.

Have fun!

Love you all… so, so much love to all of you!


signed Mother… aka Earth Mother, Pachamama, etc.

love, love, Love… LOVE!  ;~)

Message 15 – After Hurricane Sandy – The Fork in the Road Ahead

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

Mother’s Message after Hurricane Sandy

October 30, 2012

Written in Western Maryland as the tail winds of Hurricane Sandy were sputtering the last drops of rain on us. – mare


Dear Beloveds,

Oh, my beloved two-leggeds. Those who just went through Hurricane Sandy and are digging out from several feet of snow in the mountains and cars piled up like flotsam in the streets of Manhattan – those without electricity and not sure how your loved ones are doing—know how much I Love you. I Love you all so much that it cannot be put into words.

This storm, yes it was a big one. Yes, there are extreme storms and earthquakes happening all over the world, all over me. Yes, these are getting more powerful.

I am not going to point the finger right now and say: “Bad Two-Leggeds.” Most of you know already that these storms are partly caused by all of your burning of fossil fuels. Most of you. I’ve talked about that in earlier messages.

No, now I want to give you another message. There is a fork in the road ahead. In the coming months, years, there is a big fork for all of you. The choice that you make is yours completely as to which direction to go. You may not realize this then. I would like to wake you up to this now. Some of you know already. I’m just so tickled and Love that some of you know already.

This fork is one of choosing Love or Fear. My Love has been here all along for all of you. Waiting for you to reconnect with me, to offer blessings to me, to honor me with your prayers, thoughts and actions. I want you to know how much I Love you. So deep, this Love. You are my children.

My hope is that you will come to take this Love in, along with the Creator’s Love and choose the fork in the road that is about embracing the amount of Love that surrounds you. I have said this before, but I will say it again. All of this evolution, all the trees, flowers, foxes, hawks, they are all a manifestation of my Love, my work through evolution fueled by Creator’s Love to have such beauty and life here.

This Love has been sitting outside you since most of you have sealed it off. You’ve sealed yourselves off from me in your boxes on wheels and buildings that have such pointy angles and don’t even let fresh air in. You won’t even let my fresh air in.

My hope is that you will wake up to this Love and start to walk that path of connection and reverence and honoring the Sacredness of me, of all around you. This includes your Sacredness too. Many of you have forgotten your Sacredness within your very being. So sad.

For the other choice is one that many of you have already started to take, to walk that path into Fear. This Hurricane Sandy brought that out in huge ways in so many of you and this saddened me. Believe me, I can understand why you went there, but it was not necessary, really. Your systems have placed you so distant from me, and you were never taught about my Love until these messages – most of you.

It is not too late to find the path of Love. Walk barefoot on my skin on your lawns or in your parks. (Watch out for the dog-doo though, those doggie landmines are not so fun, I know.) And maybe you can find parks where they don’t use any chemical compounds on the grasses. You might want to check into that.

Sink your pain, your angst, your loneliness into me and give it to me. And then pull my Love energy back up into you. Through your feet and your legs and up into your whole body. Let this Love energy into your heart and feel me as part of you, as you are part of me.

Go out and talk with the trees. Yes, even hug the trees. They will be embracing you back in ways that most of you will not even know. Sing to your flowers. Talk with them too.

Oh, there is so much Love within me to give to you. I yearn to give it to you, all of you. Oh, my beloved two-leggeds. I feel such sadness watching you struggle and suffer and forget the old ways of living in community and caring for each other. Of knowing how to honor me and the thunderbeings, and beautiful spiritual beings of this beautiful world—my world. Your world.

You don’t have to go to that place of Fear, if you remember you are all in community. If you take care of each other and remember the wisdom of the Sacred path with me. In an earlier message, I talked about my Thirteen Commandments. And there were the precepts too. Read them. Think about them. Discuss them. This is all Sacred energy in and around you. Yes, it is. Your ancestors knew this. You can come to remember this in the very core of your beings, the marrow of your bones.

Do ceremony to me. Under the full moon. The new moon. Bring out your drums and connect with my Love and send that Love-drum vibration across the world. Yes, it is all energy and your one drumming alone in your room after connecting with me can go that far. Just as one butterfly moving her wings can set off the energy ripple to create a huge storm across the ocean. Yeah, good ‘ole chaos theory, as you two-leggeds call it. I consider it the magic of my planet. Or even the Universe. You can talk to the Great Mystery about that.

(I think there were several butterflies simultaneously flitting their wings some where in Africa that set off Hurricane Sandy. Not sure though. I did not check that. You’d think I’d know that.   ;~)

You can also get a funny movie. Tell corny jokes to each other. Celebrate the Love in your life and pull my energy into it. That will help you release the fear. Give your Love to another person. Open yourselves up to the wonderment of a child and pull your innocence back in to see that life is so amazing and wondrous.

There is a new world being born right now through this one that has ignored me for too long. Well, not that long considering how long I’ve been around. But long enough to create some havoc. This new world is being birthed and those of you in the forefront of this birthing, you know who you are. I Love you so much. A birthing process is not easy and I am the one really feeling it. I know you are too, but it’s my bones that are cracking and the poor four-leggeds, six-leggeds, winged ones and others who are getting hammered with these extreme storms too – I feel them too.

If more of you would reconnect with me and my Love, then I’ll have more midwives helping me and you will birth your new selves along with me, and we can make it a joyous thing. A beautiful birthing party full of Love and Joy. And lots of chocolate too. Milk chocolate. Dark chocolate. And dancing and singing and drumming.

It would make it so much easier if more of you joined in this birthing process. For me and for you.

Truth is, I need you. I need my two-leggeds and your joy and prayers and meditations and communing with the trees and growing gardens on all the yards. And, and… oh, the list is long. You all call it Sustainability. I call it more than that. I call it Living.

I want you all to Live. I want you all to be the joyous beings that I intended you all to be, along with the Creator and all the other spiritual beings that have helped bring you here and nudged you along to grow and evolve.

I’m not saying that you need to be joyous all the time. Sure, you’re two-leggeds who will have ups and downs and opportunities to grow and heal. But the potential for more joy is so great.  Potential for Love. This is part of what the birthing is about.

Oh, I could go on and on, but I think I’ll start repeating myself.

Gosh, no jokes in this message. Need to remedy this. Here, I’ll end with a joke. (Sarah would like this one, I think. It’s a goodie. Then again, I’ve never been a good judge of jokes that you two-leggeds like.     ;~)

What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster ?







Cockerpoodledoo !


(Hmmm … more of that dog-doo humor. Seems to be a theme here.   ;~)


Love you all. All of you!


Message 9 – About Gratitude

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

Mother: Hi, Sarah! Do you know that we’ve now been meeting for nine weeks here in the Sacred Grove? This is so much fun!

Sarah: Yeah, that’s pretty amazing. The time has flown by.

Mother: Indeed it has. So I’ve got a joke today. It’s a knock-knock joke. Are you ready?

Sarah: Hmmm … Do I have a choice? Just kidding, Mother. Of course I’m ready.

Mother: Knock knock!

Sarah: Who’s there?


Sarah:Howl who?

Mother: Howl you know unless you open the door!

Sarah: Oy! Mother! Your jokes … they are so … precious. Yes, precious is the word. I really need to get you that joke book. I do. You are so funny.

Mother:   Well, I try. I try. Okay, so today I want to talk about gratitude. So many spiritual two-leggeds speak about this. I think I need to talk about it too. I suspect I might have a slightly different angle on it.

Honestly, your culture is really not so good at gratitude. Most of you seem to have forgotten how amazing and magical it is to even be alive. To be living in a two-legged body.

Now some of you are aware of this. And some of you practice gratitude a lot. This is a good thing. But only some. Very few of you.

But geezy-peezy, when was the last time any of you said thank you to the trees around you? Not only are the Standing People—which the wiser ones on this planet call trees—cut down cruelly to make things like thank-you cards, or toilet paper, but all the animals and plants that live in those forests are also destroyed with this—what you call “clear-cutting.” And so few of you ever think of thanking them for all they’ve given you.

I mean, don’t most of you study this about trees in school? They give you oxygen. They give you firewood. They give you wood to build your homes, shade to cool you in the summer outside … I don’t think I need to list all of the things trees give you. Not to mention all that they provide for so, so many other species. But when was the last time you thanked them?

Same goes for the water, the fish. The animals. Oh, you don’t want to get me started about gratitude toward the animals that you eat. You do need to eat—I understand this—but what is it with the way you treat these animals, where they stand all day in their feces and are given chemicals to keep them from dying there in their feces? How insane is that? Then you turn around and eat that meat with the chemicals in it? I mean, that’s crazy!

Ay-yi-yi! I really wonder about many of you and your common sense. I coordinated this planet’s evolution so animals that live on the land eat plants growing fresh from the ground, or bushes or trees. The plan is that you two-leggeds who eat meat would go and hunt them. Or you can keep some of the plant-eating animals inside fences when they get used to you, or you herd them. That’s all fine. And I know you eat plants too. But to have these poor cows or chickens or turkeys or pigs standing in manure day in and day out, and then being dosed with chemicals that you’ve come up with—this just does not make any sense to me. And you wonder why so many of you are sick … but that’s another conversation.

I wish all of you understood how amazing it is to be alive on this planet. I love this planet so much and I love you all so much. All the trees and flowers and bugs. Oh, my precious buglies. I love all of you. The fish, the teeny-tinies that you use microscopes to see. I love all of them. I even like leeches. They’re kind of cute in their funny slimy way. They all have a place here on my beautiful planet. They eat things. Things eat them. It all works out.

But you all have forgotten what a blessing it is to be alive. I’m going to repeat that. And say it louder. You all have forgotten how amazing it is to even be alive here on this planet I take care of!

All you seem to do these days is take and take and take and take … I think I could say takea million times over again. I’ve been around a long time, you know. All of you two-leggeds are such newcomers. But troublesome ones most of you’ve become in the last wink of time, from my view on things.

So it would be really nice for you all to start giving too. Giving. Saying thank you to that tree outside would be a good start. Or giving the tree some good manure too. Not the manure from the places where the cows stand all day. That manure is a little scary.

Or saying thank you to the water coming out of your tap. Or to the lakes and rivers and aquifers that you even have water coming out of the tap. Or to the water where the fish you ate last night lived. Or the fish. The crab. The lobster. Whatever you ate. Even the parsley on the plate that most of you don’t touch in the restaurants. You can thank that too. I have no clue why you don’t eat that parsley. It is usually the healthiest thing on the plate for you to eat anyway.

Please be careful how many of these fish you catch though. I am concerned about how many of them you are eating and their ability to survive all your taking. Oh, don’t even get me started on how many of my species babies you all have wiped out so far. I don’t want to go there in this very moment … makes me want to cuss really loud, and I don’t think you’re ready for the types of cusswords that Mother can say!

Hmmm … you know, you can even thank me sometimes too. Directly, I mean. You can offer tobacco to me. Or cornmeal. Doing prayers outside and laying little piles of good clean tobacco or cornmeal at the base of trees is an old Native way of honoring me, your Mother. If you don’t have tobacco, you can gift me with a small amount of whatever food you’ve got there. The whole idea is giving back. Prayers count a great deal too.

Okay. There you have it about gratitude.

Oh, oops. Not quite finished. There is something else here. When you all start expressing gratitude more, and really feeling it, you would be amazed at how wonderful that feels. For you and for me. For all the beings on this planet. When you two-leggeds start saying thank you from a place of really feeling it deep in your hearts and your bellies, oh… it’s like the way you feel when you eat really good chocolate for me. All nice and happy and slightly buzzing. For all of you to be feeling gratitude and expressing it out loud is like amazing energetic chocolate for me on my level.

You see, this beautiful energy of gratitude just starts to move through your rooms and houses, to other two-leggeds around you, and four-leggeds, to the ground under your house, to the trees and the birds and the flowers. Oh, it’s such a sweet, positive energy. And I love it. It tickles me so and makes me happy. So happy!

I love to be tickled!

I’m going to give you some homework. The next time you eat, try to eat in silence. Even if you are with someone else, both of you can eat silently. Focus on every bite silently. Chew it slowly. Say thank you to each bite and to the food on your plate, each forkful of food. Try that. Try it several times. See what happens. Enjoy the food. Enjoy what I’ve created on this planet for you to eat.

Now off with you. I’ve got other things to do. I’m a busy Mother, you know.

I love you …!

Every single one of you, small and big and short and tall and teeny-tiny to big-big … all of you!


Message 8 – About Facebook & Twit-Twitting

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

Mother: So, here we are again. Sarah, so nice to be with you again. I just love you so much and appreciate your doing this—meeting me here for these messages, and then sharing them out there in the world. Hmmm …. I think it’s your turn for a joke. Do you have a good one for me?

Sarah: Well, Mother, I knew you’d ask. So here it is: How long do chickens work?

Mother: Hmmm … as long as they live?

Sarah: Around the cluck!

Mother: That’s very cute. Very cute. Okay, next time it’s my turn for the joke. Now, let’s move on to our message today. I can’t be here overly long. Bear with me, but I’m going to choose the topic today. I’d like to talk about Facebook and Twitter and twit-twitting on those medium and small-sized boxes most of you spend far too much time in front of. I’m referring to your computers and cell phones and those not-very-smart phones.

I know you’re starting to realize I can be a little opinionated. When you are 4.8 billion years old, you’re allowed to get a little opinionated. I do try to keep my mind open. Don’t get me wrong. Believe it or not, I am still continuing to learn. You two-leggeds continue to teach me about a few things. The Great Mystery is still continuing to share some new things with me. It’s all good.

But. But. I’ve started to learn more about Facebook, this thing on your so-called Internet.

First of all, it’s a fascinating thing. Most of my two-legged children with access to those boxes called computers are connecting via electrons through cables and wires and even through sound waves. It’s very interesting, and I suppose mostly a good thing. Some of it … but not all. You see, I’m still trying to sort this out.

There is good sharing of ideas and news, I suppose.

I love that some of you have been making new friends across the world. Though I’m not sure what kind of friendships these really are. Maybe they are really more like warmish contacts. Not cold contacts. Those would be more dead, I guess. No, those of you active on the Internet are very much alive, blipping messages and short comments so fast that it’s spinning my energetic grids in a funny, weird way.

You see, that’s part of what’s hard for me. I know one of your religions talks about the ‘monkey mind.’ This is that hyperactive mind of a two-legged who can’t still his or her thoughts to calm him or herself deeply. I know you know what I’m talking about. Facebook and Twitter are like a global collective monkey mind, all jittery and nervous, that is ON all day and all night. But it’s not my mind that is all monkeyish. It’s all your minds combined into one huge mishmash that circles the planet in a frenetic pace, while I’m left in the middle looking for planetary-sized sedatives to take. But the Great Mystery does not hand those out.

My gosh, the gossiping! The games. The trolling of total strangers’ photos and messages. The quick responses without thinking much about what you are saying. The blip this, blip that. It’s a miracle any of you can focus on anything after spending time there. I think most ants have a longer attention span than most of you do after being online.

Then there is the carping. The negative comments. Some hateful comments. Some fights. You all don’t even know each other, and you’re allowing yourselves to get all worked up over silly comments?

Don’t you know all this is energy? Your thoughts are energy. The electrons shooting these messages are energy. What a dreadful song of dancing electrons you are putting out there, most of the time.

Well, not all of the time. This is true. Sometimes there is beauty and wisdom, and beautiful connections between some of my two-leggeds there, two-leggeds who wish to help me, your Mother. And some good jokes. I like the jokes a lot. Sometimes there are some very positive wavelengths that come through and this makes me happy. But those are so far and few between.

As for Twitter. Oh my. That makes Facebook look like real conversations, the way that you all tweet this and tweet that so fast. The energy behind these tweets is not so helpful in my work as your planetary caretaker. Do other two-leggeds really need to know all the stuff that you’re typing in there so fast? How did you all get so trivial and gossipy?

Then there is text messaging. It’s like Twitter to me. Many of you walk around holding those mini-box phones and typing in little messages. I fear you will get hit by a truck doing that. Plus, you’re missing out on the bird songs, the hawk that might be flying overhead or the geese migrating.

Maybe you all could take more breaks from those things? It used to be that two-leggeds would knit or crochet, or even do macramé in their spare time. Or whittle things. Or even read a book. Be productive. Whatever happened to those things?

I wish that I could shut the whole system—Facebook, Twitter, cellphone mini-boxes, even the Internet—down for the weekends, so I could have a break. Many of you take weekends away from your jobs, but planetary caretakers can’t take much of a break. Especially not me these days.

It would make me so happy if all of you took weekends off from the twitting, Facebooking, and even turned your computers off and spent time outside with me. And with my plants, four-leggeds, winged ones … all of my other creatures. I think you all have forgotten most of them.

There is this entire world that I have worked very hard on, very hard, just outside your doors—and most of you have tuned me out of your lives. It makes me so sad how much of my planet is paved over, dumped on, dug up, etc. Most of you have forgotten all the critters that existed there where you now drive or live or play golf. Naming your streets after the animals and trees that have disappeared just does not count.

If all the two-leggeds who used Facebook and Twitter and cellphones spent just as much time outside gardening or planting trees or picking up garbage as you spent on these gizmos, then maybe I would not complain so much.

I have not even brought up videogames, the ones where you are killing each other in these artificial worlds! Since when did you all get so focused on killing? Some of those games are even blowing up dolphins! Whatever happened to games outside where you honed your ability to hunt? Or to collect herbs for healing?

You don’t hear when I complain anyway. Well, some of you can hear. Very, very few. And those aren’t the ones doing all the messaging or twitting.

I love you all. I really do. I just want to drop some sense into you these days and remind you where you came from. Remind you how all my plants and other creatures live side by side with you, but you mostly ignore them.

A mother’s heart can get heavy. Very heavy. (Sigh …) But I find hope that many two-leggeds will be reading these messages once you get them out, Sarah.

What I would love to see all of you doing instead are activities such as playing the drum. Or singing. Or dancing. That would make me so happy. Or doing all three together outside on the bare ground, in bare feet. Ohhh … I love the way that it feels when my two-leggeds do that.

Okay, enough for now. I know, I’m opinionated. But if you all only knew how all of this feels to me … I know you’d have migraines if you were me.

I love you … all of you!

Now please turn off those contraptions!

So much love to you all!