Divine Feminine Prayer for Humanity

“Mother Protection” painting by Brenda Ferrmani, used by permission www.brendaferrimanidreamart.com

May I be a guide for those who are lost
A beacon of Love for those seeking hope
A calming bridge for those overwhelmed by the raging river
May I be a set of warm arms in the darkness
A healing compassionate presence for the wounded hearts
A luminous love-filled lamp showing the way in the chaos
Profound medicine for those sick in spirit and physically
A vase of joy and plenty, a tree of miracles 
And for the boundless multitudes of those in the human realms
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky and ancient stones
Until all are free from illusion and sorrow
And awaken to the Great Web of Sacred Seen and Unseen Ones
That encircle our most Sacred Earth
To find their way back to the Great Mother’s Heart
And the Womb of Creation
To heal into the Oneness of the New Earth.

Now, exhale and be still for a brief moment.


This Prayer is an adaptation of the original “Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity” that the Dalai Lama recites every morning as part of his morning rituals. The original prayer was written around 700 AD by Shantideva, Buddhist monk of the Mahayana tradition, who authored the “Bodhicaryavatara” or “Bodhisattva Way of Life”. 

Adapted by Mare Cromwell

Mare’s Bio ~

Mare Cromwell has surrendered to serve the Great Mother. She is an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author, Healer & Visionary. Her award-winning books include: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and “The Great Mother Bible”. She has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other gifted mentors and is the Visionary & Co-Weaver of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. Mare also leads the “Great Mother Love Way” year-long course. She is a Mid-Wife of the New Earth devoted to the Divine Mother in all of her manifestations.  


December 1, 2021