Divine Feminine Prayer for Humanity

“Mother Protection” painting by Brenda Ferrmani, used by permission www.brendaferrimanidreamart.com

May I be a guide for those who are lost
A beacon of Love for those seeking hope
A calming bridge for those overwhelmed by the raging river
May I be a set of warm arms in the darkness
A healing compassionate presence for the wounded hearts
A luminous love-filled lamp showing the way in the chaos
Profound medicine for those sick in spirit and physically
A vase of joy and plenty, a tree of miracles 
And for the boundless multitudes of those in the human realms
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky and ancient stones
Until all are free from illusion and sorrow
And awaken to the Great Web of Sacred Seen and Unseen Ones
That encircle our most Sacred Earth
To find their way back to the Great Mother’s Heart
And the Womb of Creation
To heal into the Oneness of the New Earth.

Now, exhale and be still for a brief moment.


This Prayer is an adaptation of the original “Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity” that the Dalai Lama recites every morning as part of his morning rituals. The original prayer was written around 700 AD by Shantideva, Buddhist monk of the Mahayana tradition, who authored the “Bodhicaryavatara” or “Bodhisattva Way of Life”. 

Adapted by Mare Cromwell

Mare’s Bio ~

Mare Cromwell has surrendered to serve the Great Mother. She is an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author, Healer & Visionary. Her award-winning books include: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and “The Great Mother Bible”. She has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other gifted mentors and is the Visionary & Co-Weaver of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. Mare also leads the “Great Mother Love Way” year-long course. She is a Mid-Wife of the New Earth devoted to the Divine Mother in all of her manifestations.  


December 1, 2021

Message 2 – About the Environment, ah… Me

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother, which was released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites. The Great Mother Bible is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website: www.marecromwell.com.]


Mother: Hi, Sarah!  Welcome, welcome!

Sarah: Hello, Mother. It’s great to see you. I’ve had the best week. Life is getting so much more fun. More friends are calling me up to invite me to play. And the kids at the pre-school don’t stress me out these days the way they used to. I think you might have something to do with this.

Mother: Well, perhaps. I am sending you good blessings as you go through your day-to-day activities. It’s the least I can do. You are helping me so much with these messages. So, I brought you a joke today. Are you ready?

Sarah: Okay.

Mother: What bone will a dog never eat?

Sarah: I don’t know. A chicken bone? I know they’re not supposed to eat them. All those splinters in the bones.

Mother: No. A trombone.

Sarah did not know what to say. It was one of the worst jokes she had heard in a while. It was the type of joke that one of her four-year-olds in her pre-school might have said, except they wouldn’t have known what a trombone was. Earth Mother was clearly amazing but her sense of a joke was a little off. But Sarah did not want to offend Mother so she decided she needed to be supportive at least.

Sarah: Oh, that’s cute. That’s funny. Thanks, Mother.

Mother: Thanks, I rather liked it myself. So, this time around, Sarah, do you have any big questions that you want to ask me?

Sarah: I definitely do. It’s so terrible what is going on around the world with all the environmental destruction—destroying parts of you actually. It’s so hard to have any hope about the Earth and what is going on. I know I don’t need to tell you about all the horrible events. You know so much more than I do. But the radiation from Fukushima, the mercury in the fish, the GMOs in our food, the weird weather patterns and on and on … I mean, it’s so hard to have any hope, or even get out of bed in the morning with this news. How can we have any positive future with all of this happening right now? I’ve felt such despair and have been so depressed about all of this until you and I started meeting. But still, even though my mood has gotten better, the news is just awful.

Mother: Yes, I can see how you and so many others feel such despair these days. These are very trying times. And believe me, they are trying for me also. I’m not exactly having a party right now with all of this going on. Between the contamination itself, the forests being cut down, coral reefs dying … and the way you two-leggeds are fighting, it’s enough to give me a bad case of malaise.

You two-leggeds have only been around for a short period, but you’ve certainly wreaked some havoc. Some parts of me feel a little like the cancer you two-leggeds and four-leggeds get. But I don’t get cancer. I’m so ancient that the places where there are huge strip mines or environmental contamination, such as Bhopal are just little irritating scabs I’ll heal over rather quickly in geologic time. But it is going to take a long time as you two-leggeds count time.

I am 4.8 billion years old and getting that kind of age on you gives you a much greater perspective on what’s happening now. All of these wounds on me will eventually heal back over, and the contamination will get buried into rock layers just as the oil deposits and uranium layers were buried many millions of years ago. I am honestly hard-wired to heal. But it’s going to take a couple million years. That is certainly more than a little wink of time.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m certainly not a happy camper with all of these foolish activities that are so destructive to me and all of my babies. No. So many species are gone now. Extinct. I worked for millions and millions of years to bring these species into being through evolution. It is very irritating to me that you two-leggeds have wiped out so many, so fast. I mean in the wink of an eye, gone.

(Sigh …)

But I’m most worried about you two-leggeds. I’m worried about what is in your hearts these days. What is this sickness that has overtaken you that compels so many of you to be so blind and ignorant and, well, greedy? This makes me so sad. Very sad.

I love you all so much. You are my children. All of this evolution that I brought forth on this beautiful planet is my love at work. But somehow you’ve lost touch with the love. You’ve lost touch with me and my millions and millions of years of love. You’ve been taking it all for granted.

Okay, I’m starting to make you even more discouraged now, Sarah. I can see this. I’m sorry. That’s not what I want to do.

So, here are some things that can help you and your friends, and others. This will help you build up hope again. I will list them for you.

Know that I’m so, so ancient that I will always heal from what is happening now. I, your Earth Mother, am not capable of dying.

Hmmm … I take that back. When this solar system sizzles out in billions of years, I might move on from being the Caretaker of this planet to some other job in the universe. But I won’t ever die. My consciousness will always exist. And I can’t worry about all that’s in the future. All we have is NOW.

For you two-leggeds, all of you can do a number of things NOW. Here goes:

Plant trees. Anywhere and everywhere you can. I love my Standing People, as my native peoples call trees. Wherever groups of trees are planted and nurtured they call in other species to live amongst them. Trees are very good at this and love doing it.

Have fun! Think in circles and not straight lines. Everything cycles and gets reused. A fallen tree log becomes food for mushrooms and all sorts of other critters after that tree has lain on the ground for some time. Cycles, circles. I’ve never designed a straight line anywhere on the planet. But you two-leggeds are a little obsessed with straight lines these days. Rather boring to me.

Go back to the wisdom of the plants instead of all the concocted chemicals that you have made up in laboratories. This never made any sense to me either. I already provided you with all the chemicals you need from plants. It’s all there.

Have more fun! See the web. I don’t mean the Internet. I mean the Web of Life. It’s all connected.

Grow more of your own food near your homes. All of those lawns that are mowed way too often, I’ve never understood those. And don’t even get me started on the raking of the leaves in the fall. If it is open land and does not have a forest on it, then why don’t you grow food there? Put in a garden. Herbs. Flowers. Vegetables. Get some goats, chickens, or sheep. But lawns? They don’t do anything for me. Especially when they are treated with your chemicals to grow only one species of grass. It’s that straight thing again, I suppose. I’m into parties of species all living together. You two-leggeds call it biodiversity. The more wild parties of all sorts of critters and plants, the better. This is how I steered evolution. Wild parties of plants and animals.

Have fun! Throw a party growing the food and then cooking it together. Invite the neighbors. Have your own wild parties!

Stop breaking my skin and digging into my bones for your energy. It hurts me and just is a mess once you get it out. I’m talking about the oil, the uranium, all the heavy metals. And fracking for natural gas! Oh, my, fracking is the most stupid thing you two-leggeds have come up with since nuclear energy. You come up with some doozies. Putting all those chemicals in the ground to force the gas to come up is going to take me a very, very long time to clean up. Very. Why do you need so much energy anyway?

Have more fun! Think of all the ways you can use a bicycle or the wind or sun to do what electricity, or fossil fuels, provides you right now. Have bicycle parties. Take them apart and turn them into utility bikes to haul your groceries or a piece of furniture. Why not?

Hmm … what else? Oh, yeah. Get to know your neighbors. Help your neighbors out. If they can’t grow food on their yards since they’ve gotten elderly, ask if you can grow food there and share it with them. Have potlucks. Dinner parties with music. Cook your homegrown veggies. Preserve them. Grow gourds and use them to make new musical instruments or feeders and houses for my small winged ones. Ask your elderly neighbors to tell stories. If they’re too grumpy, go ahead and be nice to them anyway. They’ve probably got some old wounds from some other parts of their lives and just need some love.

Did I mention have fun? Bottom line, have fun in your life! Life is meant to be an adventure and a celebration!

Oh, right. Please remember the sun. The sun has all this energy and it gifts the planet each and every day. Even when it’s raining, the sun is still out there. How I love our sun. Couldn’t have done all of this without the sun, you know, all this evolution. You two-leggeds can be more creative with the sun too. Some of you have been. Need to get those ideas out more. Why do you need to break into my skin and bones when you have the sun? There is the wind too. I really like those newfangled wind thingies … what are they called? Right, turbines. I find them almost as good as something I would’ve come up with for evolution. Good on you for those.

Well, this list has gotten probably too long. I need to head off now. Other projects elsewhere. A Mother’s work is never done.

Love you, Sarah.

Love to all of my two-leggeds. And four-leggeds … and winged ones … all of my beloved ones!