“You are Loved & Never Alone. Trust.” Message from Mother Gaia, Nov 22, 2022

My beloved, beloved children, Oh, how much I love you!

So many of you are struggling right now. You are feeling alone and in despair. I know these are intense times of great uncertainty for so many of you.

I am your Great Mother. Call out to me to hold you, to support you. I am always with you. Yet when you call to me, I will come even closer to wrap you in my great healing energies. I will envelope you in my compassion and hold your heart. You can just say from your heart: ‘Mother, I love you, please hold me.’ That is all you need to say.”

You are never ever alone. 

You have never been alone from before you were even born. You came from the realms of Love in the spirit planes. And have been Loved by the Creator and myself and your ancestors from the moment you were conceived in your mother’s womb.

Take a moment and allow yourself to feel this Love. Breathe into it from the depths of your lungs and visualize how you surrounded by our Love. The truth is that we always have been surrounding you by our Love, a Quantum Divine Love beyond words. Yet many of you were not taught this.

Please take our Love in. Feel how you can be anchored to my heart in the very center of the Earth and I’m holding you in the most powerful Mother love possible.

I’m inviting you to continue to breathe into our Love more and more deeply. This is your Birthright and yet so many of you have forgotten this. You knew this as a soul before incarnating and I’m calling you back to it. 

The trees are offering you love. The animals are offering it to you. Every flower sings a song of Love to the world and that includes you!

We are all inviting you to open your hearts to this symphony of Love and send it back out. Back to me, your Mother Gaia, to Creator and to all the sacred ones around you.

These are the times of Great Healing and Great Trust. Trust that there are many things happening on the Spirit Planes within and around Earth and off-planet that are supporting the Great Healing and me, your planetary caretaker, in the midst of the swirling fears and chaos in the human realms. 

And I’m calling you Home as part of this Great Healing. Home to my heart and my Love. 

Please call on me. I Love you so very, very much!

~ Mother Gaia

Divine Feminine Prayer for Humanity

“Mother Protection” painting by Brenda Ferrmani, used by permission www.brendaferrimanidreamart.com

May I be a guide for those who are lost
A beacon of Love for those seeking hope
A calming bridge for those overwhelmed by the raging river
May I be a set of warm arms in the darkness
A healing compassionate presence for the wounded hearts
A luminous love-filled lamp showing the way in the chaos
Profound medicine for those sick in spirit and physically
A vase of joy and plenty, a tree of miracles 
And for the boundless multitudes of those in the human realms
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky and ancient stones
Until all are free from illusion and sorrow
And awaken to the Great Web of Sacred Seen and Unseen Ones
That encircle our most Sacred Earth
To find their way back to the Great Mother’s Heart
And the Womb of Creation
To heal into the Oneness of the New Earth.

Now, exhale and be still for a brief moment.


This Prayer is an adaptation of the original “Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity” that the Dalai Lama recites every morning as part of his morning rituals. The original prayer was written around 700 AD by Shantideva, Buddhist monk of the Mahayana tradition, who authored the “Bodhicaryavatara” or “Bodhisattva Way of Life”. 

Adapted by Mare Cromwell

Mare’s Bio ~

Mare Cromwell has surrendered to serve the Great Mother. She is an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author, Healer & Visionary. Her award-winning books include: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and “The Great Mother Bible”. She has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other gifted mentors and is the Visionary & Co-Weaver of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. Mare also leads the “Great Mother Love Way” year-long course. She is a Mid-Wife of the New Earth devoted to the Divine Mother in all of her manifestations.  


December 1, 2021

Have Hope! Brief Message from Mother Gaia, December 9th, 2019

My beloved children,

Please, please have hope. Know that there are beautiful things happening on me, your Mother Gaia, beyond all the drama of your human societies. There are many spiritual beings continuing to come in from outside of the Earth’s multi-dimensional zones helping to activate all corners of me – the stones, trees, animals, and waters all over me.

I Love all of you so much! Please take heart and find time every day to connect with me and open your hearts to me. Open your hearts to the trees, the squirrels, all the waters that you use and drive by. You are One with all of us and we want you to remember this. Your ancestors knew this and lived it.

Connect with me by going barefoot outside. Yes, you can do this in the winter too! It is quite invigorating. Touch a tree and honor it while you are touching it. Touch a stone and honor that also. Send Love to the squirrel up high in the tree. The trees, stones and squirrels are conscious beings very aware of you as another conscious being. Offer them Love and Gratitude. This will all help to raise the spiritual frequencies across me, your Mother. The trees and stones are my beloved children, along with all beings here on Earth including you!

I need as many of you as possible joining in to help mid-wife this New Earth. Please heal your hearts and open them to all that is around you and to me even more.

I Love you!

Mother Gaia

Ps. And, yes, please live as sustainably as possible!


Voices from Gaia – Webcast Series – Jan 17th – March 7th.

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What do you think the dolphins might have to share during these chaotic times on our Sacred Planet? Or the whales, or trees or owls? Or even the bees. Their intelligence and wisdom is far greater than any of us were taught in school!

I will be interviewing a group of very gifted animal, tree, and other communicators starting Weds, Jan 17th through Weds, March 7th, at 8:00pm EST. (All interviews will be recorded and available to download later.)

We are living in deeply tumultuous times and the sacred beings from these other domains have a rather different perspective and insights about the Earth Changes to educate and support us.

Mother Gaia specifically requested this series to bring forth significant information from other sacred realms upon her, and to encourage us to wake up to the profound web of sacred intelligent life around us.

Register at: Http://voicesfromgaia.org/
There will be a moderate fee to register.
You can always register after the Series starts and you will be sent the links to download the earlier interview files to listen to, to catch up.

Here is the list of communicators:
Linda Shay – dolphin communicator
Pam Montgomery – tree communicator
Mary J. Getten – whale communicator
Marieke Akgül – owl communicator
Jacqueline Freeman – bee communicator
Penny Kelly – fairy/nature spirit communicator
Kelly Lapseritis – Sasquatch communicator
Woody Vaspra – a Hawaiian Elder will teach and share stories on “How we can embrace all beings as family”.

(About me – I am a Gaia Communicator & Priestess, Healer and Author of “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother & “The Great Mother Bible”, etc. Mother Gaia specifically requested this series to bring forth significant information from other sacred realms upon her, and to encourage us to wake up to the profound web of life around us. www.marecromwell.com

If you would like to receive updates about the Webcast series or any of my other events, sign up here: http://mad.ly/signups/67592/join )

For the New World being born at this time and the future generations of all beings!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

#gaia #earthmother #pachamama #mystic #voicesfromgaia #animalcommunicator #wisdom #earthchanges #hope #AllOurRelations #marecromwell #messagesfrommother #Sasquatch #fairies #dolphins #whales #bees


17 July 2202 – A Letter from the Future to You.

[This comes from Rudi Princen who runs the Oneness Center in Belgium. A very inspiring letter to guide us and support us in these interesting times, indeed! xoxoxo]

17 July 2202 – A Letter from the Future to You

This is a letter for you from the future, from your great-great descendants. We are living in harmony with each other and Nature. We live in the Sacred Promised Land you have been dreaming of.


As we are so happy and grateful for this life, we were curious to know where in history the Big Shift in Consciousness has happened and who contributed to it.


It seems that all of you, in this group of people, around the years 2000 – 2030, have made the Spiritual Revolution that was at the start of a Big Shift in Consciousness and resulted in another way of living, in Harmony with Mother Earth, yourself and the others.


We wanted to direct a message of gratefulness to the past, to our Ancestors who made this Big Shift. It seems that you were “the strongest of the strong”.  Thank you so much , dear Ancestors of us, thank you that you started to listen and communicate with Mother Earth, thank you that you reached out to the Natives for their wisdom and knowledge of how to live in harmony with Nature.

Thank you because you stopped judging yourself and others. Thank you because you became mild for yourself and others.


Thank you for having blessed your great great grandchildren together with your ancestors. Thank you that you have taken the time to work on yourself, to grow in consciousness in a time where there was mass manipulation and mind control.


Thank you that you have spent great amounts of effort and time in awakening, in shifting from the mind to the Heart.


We feel an incredible amount of Love for you. You have sown the seeds of Love, Heart Consciousness, of Oneness and Harmony with Mother Earth.


Dearest Ancestors,


We from our side wish to bless you, we know you can feel it, as you have become very sensitive to energy. You are the Energy workers, the Love Bringers, the Harmonisers, the Consciousness Shifters, we have many names for you.


Thank you that you have stopped negative thinking. Thank you that you have spent great amounts of energy to still the mind, to stop the negative thinking and the criticism for the Self and others.  Thank you for the balance, harmony and sacred marriage you brought in the male and female energies.


You have changed the Language. You don’t know it yet, but you have. We are so grateful to you, that we cry thinking of you. Thank you that you changed the way you eat. Thank you that you stopped overconsumption and the destruction of the Earth. We thank you for your love for the animals and plant kingdom. We thank you for your intimate connection with Mother Earth and the animals.


Thanks to you a big shift has happened. Our Earth is blessed, our water is blessed, our hearts are blessed, our community is blessed thanks to you.


We want to bless you in our turn as you did with us together with your ancestors.


From the Promised, Sacred Land,


Your happy descendants,


In Harmony & Love


Love and Hope in Intense Times!

Mare futurenow

To say that these are intense times is an understatement. As I am writing this, a second hurricane of “Biblical” proportions is hammering populations within the Caribbean, after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and other parts of Texas.


More than two hundred people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Mexico City, and other parts of our Sacred Earth are shifting and cracking leaving residents in and around those faultlines at the mercy of what happens when the ground shakes and buildings are not stable enough to handle the unstable ground underneath. (Prayers to all those suffering there and in the hurricane zones right now… mega prayers.)


Some of the indigenous prophecies call this the Time of Purification. Mother Gaia is going through a rapid transformative shift right now to facilitate the full birth of the New World coming in. This is being facilitated by energies moving through this part of our galaxy and solar system, along with other energetics on the planet.


Some call this process the Ascension, as in “ascending energies/spiritual vibrational fields”. However I think that word in some ways connotes rising up energetically while still not acknowledging the existence and heart of Mother Gaia in the center of the planet – and connecting spiritually/energetically with her heart to help manifest this New World. We need both for the Ascension to truly happen.


Gaia has asked me this morning to share the following to help support us (humans) in these times:


  • Know that Mother Gaia loves us tremendously, tremendously and is calling us Home. We are not parasites or fleas on her back. We are her beloved children. Yes, she is irritated with how far astray we (the Western Dominant Culture) have come from being in sacred balance and reverence with her, on her, for her. But she still LOVES us.


  • The Purification that is going on needs to happen. This Purification on the physical planes with the weather and tectonic shifting is part of this birthing process. Nothing is ever static anywhere in the universe, not solar systems, stars, continental plates, riverbanks, coastlines, cultural systems, languages, etc. (Mother wants this repeated) — NOTHING IS STATIC.


  • The energies on our Sacred Earth are shifting rather rapidly also. The Purification that is becoming quite evident on the physical planes is also what each of us are being nudged, cajoled, or kicked to bring forth internally within our hearts, our emotional bodies — soul bodies. We need to heal ourselves at the deepest levels, within our body-mind-spirit selves, so that energetically we can begin to hold the spiritual vibration of this New World, 5th Dimensional (plus) way of being.

                  — As above, so below. As outside, so within.

— One of my friends posted on Facebook last week: we need to become comfortable living outside of our comfort zones because that is where we are quickly headed. Some are already in that reality such as those in Houston, Barbuda, Key West, Puerto Rico, India, the West Coast fire zones, Chile … the list is long and growing longer.


  • We are being called to remember that we are beings of LOVE. Beings of LIGHT. We simply have to remember and heal back into those states of Being. To live from our hearts more, our Higher Selves, and less from the intellectual mind place. To heal the woundedness, sorrow, shame, guilt, anger, hurt and more of those lower vibrational emotional places that keep us spinning in Victim space, and worse.


  • We are going through a Birthing Canal of intensity from outside forces and within ourselves. And we just don’t have the choice of going back to the Old Ways. A mother in the process of birthing her baby cannot allow the baby to crawl back inside if the baby is in pain or terrified of the how tight that Birth Canal is.


  • There are ancient aspects of ourselves within our DNA and in our ancestral memories that we are being called to tap NOW to reawaken the Wisdom, the Compassion, the deep knowing of what “Community” means so that the needs of all are met. All humans, all species, all beings – all of our needs shall be met. It’s time to Re-Awaken those aspects of ourselves and also Open Ourselves up to the New Energies surging forward that have not been experienced on this planet ever.


  • LOVING Ourselves, Self-Compassion for ourselves and others is paramount. Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness. For ourselves and all around us is key. Healing our Shadow. Loving up our wounded Inner Child. These are all necessary for our shifting into our true beings of Love and Light.


  • Focusing on Our Basic Human needs (healthy food, clean water, clothing and simple shelter) and meeting those in a sustainable, healthy, balance way is the only path for the future, in truth.

— Case in Point: If those in Houston and the decision-making halls of Houston and DC were tapped into a greater wisdom, they would rebuild the city infrastructure and all the homes from the standpoint of what is healthiest for all species for the next 7 Generations, plus. No more chemical plants. No more oil refineries. Simple homes. Minimize the impervious surfaces. Put in major bike lanes everywhere (showers at work). More.


  • Mother Gaia is saying: ENOUGH ALREADY! Come HOME to me. I LOVE you and am your true Mother! You are born from my minerals, my waters, my beloved plants and animals. You actually don’t have a choice here since I cannot tolerate, nor do all the spiritual councils of nature spirits, ancestors and others on the spirit plane tolerate how unconscious your global society has become.


  • Mother is also sharing that this New World coming in right now is an incredibly beautiful world of Great Peace and Compassion, Community, Health, Joy and more. It is there – around the corner! (In some instances, it is here now in various corners: Ecovillages, community gardens, cooperative solar ventures, healing centers, more.)

                  — AND we are all seeds of this New World! All of us. Our personal choice is how pro-actively we gestate this seed within ourselves and collectively within our communities to begin to live the New World already – in our thoughts, actions (sustainable living, community focused), and words.

— Some have already been germinating this seed in advance and are the visionaries and ones to learn from.

— But we are all unique beings of Divine Love, and we each are being called to manifest it as our souls guide us along this path of manifesting the New World.

                    — The other option is to resist more. Tuck into the six pack of beer and numb out on Cable TV instead again. Freak out about the News and go even more Numb.


  • Every state of FEAR or Numb-Out is a doorway to potential healing though.  Every emotional freak-out or numb-out is an invitation to be held and hugged and healing energies brought forward to remind ourselves that we are not alone, we are in community and we can weave our energies together, our hearts and our creative minds to be pro-active seeds of HOPE and LOVE, for this New World.   There is an energetic global web of love, healing, and hope weaving powerfully right now and we are all invited to join in with our soul-strand to others soul-strands make it tighter and more beautiful and powerful.


  • The Age of Separation is OVER. We are now in the Age of Oneness and are being asked to truly shift into this NOW.


  • Mother wants us to deeply, deeply know also, that there are many, many beautiful and powerful ones on the Spirit planes here to support us in this Purification and Birthing. Call on them! They want to help us hugely!

                — They include: Creator/Great Mystery, Creatrix/Goddess of the Universe/Great Divine Mother, the Christ Consciousness, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel (all the Archangels), Kuan Yin, the Buddhist Taras, Oshun, Mother Gaia!, our Ancestors serving the Highest Good, Freya, Thor… the list goes on and on. Every belief system has their Gods and Goddesses to tap. Call on them!

             — They can give us strength and spiritual support in ways that are beyond words as we heal into the Love, Hope, co-creative shifting, healing, rebuilding and transitioning into this New World.

            — We are surrounded by Quantum Divine Love – ALL THE TIME. We are that Love too! We have just forgotten. NOW is the time to remember. Now… !

           —  You are a seed for the New World. Now is the time for you to truly cultivate your SEED-Self! There is a beautiful, amazing future ahead and we are all on the team to manifest it!


So much love,

Mare Cromwell, with Mother Gaia





Message from Gaia on Hurricane Irma, etc., “Hard-Wired to Heal” – Sept 9, 2017

Beautiful Ones~
This is a paraphrased messaged from Mother Gaia, this morning:

Regardless of how “big”, how “devastating”, how “huge” these hurricanes, fires and more are being labeled, please remember that Mother Gaia is Hard-Wired to Heal. AND the strength of the human spirit is tremendous when we rally forth together, in wise compassionate ways.

Good friends, please do not get sucked into the tsunami of fears that are rampant right now. Believe it or not, the heavier emotions of fear, anger, greed, etc., are only feeding the imbalanced energies here on Earth. These heavier emotions are feeding the weather, in truth, too.

Step away from the media – if need be. Make wise plans for you, your loved ones. Get to know your neighbors even better.

Watch funny movies. Play card games. Go harvest from your gardens, if you have one.

If everyone on FB took 7 hours off of the social media system and news and instead went to go watch some hilarious movie or played cards with some good buddies in a fun way, or drummed with friends, or went for a long walk in a beautiful natural setting, this would be a positive shift in the energies on the planet. Truth.

Please take a long hard look at your ecological footprint and be proactive on shifting away from using fossil fuels, and being more sustainable NOW. Rebuild Wisely NOW.

Things on our Sacred Earth are out of balance for some good reasons. WE CAN SUPPORT bringing the balance back in. But succumbing to the depths of fear and overwhelm is only feeding the imbalance, along with all the other unsustainable, toxic actions on our Sacred Planet.

Mother Gaia LOVES everyone, everyone. AND these extreme weather systems, etc., are a WAKE-UP call.

There are many, many powerful and beautiful spiritual beings who are trying to help us from the Spirit Planes but all the fear and anger, etc., is blocking them to some degree.

Please know that Mother Gaia does not want to see her humans suffering. Yet we have not been waking up. And it is Time.

Hugs, bigLOVE,

#Gaia #Mystic #EarthMother #TheGreatMotherBible #Channeled #MessagesfromMother

(c) Mare Cromwell

Hurricane Harvey – Not Just Climate Change – Message from Mother Gaia, 8/29/17

A message from Mother Gaia/Earth Mother about the hurricane and extreme rains in Texas and surrounding parts at this time. Downloaded by Gaia Priestess and Mystic (author & healer), Mare Cromwell. It is time to come HOME to Mother Gaia and Wake Up. She loves all of us so, so, so much! xoxoxo

Ah… recorded from my bed this morning. Yes, you even get to see my nightgown. Mother has me working hard these days. Oh, yeah.
And I’m not the only one working hard these days to support the Ascension, the New World coming in. There are many of us… a humbling job, to say the least.

Now, please pass the chocolate and I need a nap.
Hugs, bigLove to all,

Trust! There is a Beautiful New World Being Born Now… Latest Msg from Earth Mother 1/12/17

Beautiful ones,

I and another gifted friend reached out to Earth Mother late on Thurs evening. The energies have been so intense yet we’ve been observing some very positive signs also. Mother gave us some significant  messages and asked me to put them out to the world via YouTube on Friday.

You can listen to the recording here.

Also, my latest newsletter has just gone out with announcements of upcoming workshops and more. To access it, go here.

Hugs, bigLove,

Also, if you would like to bring more peace into your life during these challenging times, I heartily recommend chanting the Tara Chant. Calling on Tara, Kuan Yin, and other aspects of the Great Divine Mother from different traditions around the world can help support each of us spiritually.

The Tara Chant in particular has a strong spiritual resonance that can offer us peace an healing energies when chanted for 20 minutes or more. More on the Tara Chant.








Excellent News from Granny, the Orca Whale – Global Waters Are Healing

Some who have read The Great Mother Bible may remember one of the final chapters was a message from Granny, the 105 year old orca whale in the Salish Sea. Mary J. Getten is the gifted animal communicator who has been relaying Granny’s messages to the world via her books and blog (and generously gave me permission to use that particular one in the book).

I was overjoyed today to read this most recent communication from Granny dated January, 2016. It gives me such great hope to know our prayers and water ceremonies are making a difference in our global waters. Read on. (From Mary J. Getten’s website for Global Water Healing.)

January, 2016 – Granny

Mary: There were 8 calves born in the past year, 5 to J-pod. This is more than in any year since the 1990s. I asked Granny about this and she said,

Granny: We are so happy about all these babies. It has been a long time since we had so many births. This has been a joyous year for us. They are all doing very well too. We are getting healthy. The love and blessings that humans are sending to us have helped our waters and our own health. It is proof that you can make a difference. Please tell people that they should continue to hold us in the light and send love and healing energy. It is working!!

Mary: Then I asked Granny if she had a message for humanity on this special day and she said,

Granny: Days come and days go. None are more special than another, but it is up to you, what you will do with each and every day. Make the most of the time you have. Do not be complacent or hopeless about the state of the world. It may look bleak at times, but there is much beauty and things are changing in the realms and levels you cannot see.

Scientists have been predicting that our family will go extinct. They lost faith in us and speak of doom and gloom, yet the love and healing energy that people have been sending, have counteracted that negative vibration. We are thriving! Our community is excited and celebrating the new calves we have. This is the result of your work.

Do not let go of your dreams for the future. Do not let the naysayers and negativity affect you. Do what you must to keep yourself in a positive and uplifted state and spend your time wisely. Worry and anger are a waste of precious energy. Focus on the good, hold thoughts of love and healing and see the world in the perfect state it is becoming. Perfection is on the way, so do not believe the illusions that some are promoting.

We whales and dolphins love humanity and are here to help you. Join your energy with ours to heal each other and the planet. We are sending our love and blessings to you always.

Granny Photo
Granny – photo by Mary J. Getten