Divine Feminine Prayer for Humanity

“Mother Protection” painting by Brenda Ferrmani, used by permission www.brendaferrimanidreamart.com

May I be a guide for those who are lost
A beacon of Love for those seeking hope
A calming bridge for those overwhelmed by the raging river
May I be a set of warm arms in the darkness
A healing compassionate presence for the wounded hearts
A luminous love-filled lamp showing the way in the chaos
Profound medicine for those sick in spirit and physically
A vase of joy and plenty, a tree of miracles 
And for the boundless multitudes of those in the human realms
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky and ancient stones
Until all are free from illusion and sorrow
And awaken to the Great Web of Sacred Seen and Unseen Ones
That encircle our most Sacred Earth
To find their way back to the Great Mother’s Heart
And the Womb of Creation
To heal into the Oneness of the New Earth.

Now, exhale and be still for a brief moment.


This Prayer is an adaptation of the original “Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity” that the Dalai Lama recites every morning as part of his morning rituals. The original prayer was written around 700 AD by Shantideva, Buddhist monk of the Mahayana tradition, who authored the “Bodhicaryavatara” or “Bodhisattva Way of Life”. 

Adapted by Mare Cromwell

Mare’s Bio ~

Mare Cromwell has surrendered to serve the Great Mother. She is an internationally known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author, Healer & Visionary. Her award-winning books include: “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” and “The Great Mother Bible”. She has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other gifted mentors and is the Visionary & Co-Weaver of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid. Mare also leads the “Great Mother Love Way” year-long course. She is a Mid-Wife of the New Earth devoted to the Divine Mother in all of her manifestations.  


December 1, 2021

12/24 – 1/6 Gifting Gaia During the Holy-Days

Gifting Gaia During the Holy-Days

(Yes, this is being posted after Christmas, but the Holy-Days will continue until 1/6. Personally, I’m finding this very rich. xoxox)

Some spiritual guidance from Mother Gaia during this auspicious time of the year – the Twelve Holy-Days (Dec 24th – Jan 6th). There is a powerful spiritual portal open to us during this time period to help us awaken more, and support us in birthing the New World coming in at this time.

1) Be still as much as you can.

2) Focus on simplicity in your affairs, your parties, your meals, your gifting.

3) Let this be a season of releasing, releasing, releasing, releasing the old ways that no longer serve you or me, Mother Gaia. This is not something that you do overnight, but feel the callings in your soul – body to come back to the Light and Love that is your true essence.

4) Create a list of ways that you can come Home to me more—your Planetary Caretaker, your true Mother here on this Sacred Planet that has loved you so much. Far beyond words is my Love for you! For instance—how can you consume less? How can you wean yourself and your family and community from fossil fuels? How can you Love the trees, the animals and the very food on your plate more? How can you love the very soil microbiota that contributed to growth of the food on your plate?

5) Think about your neighbors and how you might be able to help them out. Everyone is in need in some way. Maybe they just need a hug if they don’t need any gifts. Don’t push yourself on them but perhaps there are ways you can support them even if they are grumpy, unhappy people.

6) Listen within to that Divine Center within you that has many names in many religious traditions. If you can’t hear it, be gentle with yourself and just be still in whatever type of Sacred Place you can create. Candles help to create Sacred Space.

7) Take a break from the monkey-mind chatter from Social Media and go deeper. Allow the distractions to fall away to be still and remember how sacred and powerful you are.

8) Commit to serving the Highest Good for Divine Plan Alignment from that place of stillness.

9) Remember who you are. Who you truly are as beings of such Light and Love, beyond the drama, beyond the illusions, beyond the false Western Mind dreams that are manifesting so much fear and despair.

10) All of you can help shift the growing trauma on me, your Mother Gaia, by gifting me with these precepts above. All of you have hearts that can heal and forgiveness to manifest, and peace to cultivate deeply within. All of you. Tap into the Christ/Buddha/Krishna/White Buffalo Calf Woman Consciousness. Come Home to me … I am yearning for this.

I love you so, so, so much!
~ Mother Gaia

eagle tree2 (1)

Love and Hope in Intense Times!

Mare futurenow

To say that these are intense times is an understatement. As I am writing this, a second hurricane of “Biblical” proportions is hammering populations within the Caribbean, after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and other parts of Texas.


More than two hundred people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Mexico City, and other parts of our Sacred Earth are shifting and cracking leaving residents in and around those faultlines at the mercy of what happens when the ground shakes and buildings are not stable enough to handle the unstable ground underneath. (Prayers to all those suffering there and in the hurricane zones right now… mega prayers.)


Some of the indigenous prophecies call this the Time of Purification. Mother Gaia is going through a rapid transformative shift right now to facilitate the full birth of the New World coming in. This is being facilitated by energies moving through this part of our galaxy and solar system, along with other energetics on the planet.


Some call this process the Ascension, as in “ascending energies/spiritual vibrational fields”. However I think that word in some ways connotes rising up energetically while still not acknowledging the existence and heart of Mother Gaia in the center of the planet – and connecting spiritually/energetically with her heart to help manifest this New World. We need both for the Ascension to truly happen.


Gaia has asked me this morning to share the following to help support us (humans) in these times:


  • Know that Mother Gaia loves us tremendously, tremendously and is calling us Home. We are not parasites or fleas on her back. We are her beloved children. Yes, she is irritated with how far astray we (the Western Dominant Culture) have come from being in sacred balance and reverence with her, on her, for her. But she still LOVES us.


  • The Purification that is going on needs to happen. This Purification on the physical planes with the weather and tectonic shifting is part of this birthing process. Nothing is ever static anywhere in the universe, not solar systems, stars, continental plates, riverbanks, coastlines, cultural systems, languages, etc. (Mother wants this repeated) — NOTHING IS STATIC.


  • The energies on our Sacred Earth are shifting rather rapidly also. The Purification that is becoming quite evident on the physical planes is also what each of us are being nudged, cajoled, or kicked to bring forth internally within our hearts, our emotional bodies — soul bodies. We need to heal ourselves at the deepest levels, within our body-mind-spirit selves, so that energetically we can begin to hold the spiritual vibration of this New World, 5th Dimensional (plus) way of being.

                  — As above, so below. As outside, so within.

— One of my friends posted on Facebook last week: we need to become comfortable living outside of our comfort zones because that is where we are quickly headed. Some are already in that reality such as those in Houston, Barbuda, Key West, Puerto Rico, India, the West Coast fire zones, Chile … the list is long and growing longer.


  • We are being called to remember that we are beings of LOVE. Beings of LIGHT. We simply have to remember and heal back into those states of Being. To live from our hearts more, our Higher Selves, and less from the intellectual mind place. To heal the woundedness, sorrow, shame, guilt, anger, hurt and more of those lower vibrational emotional places that keep us spinning in Victim space, and worse.


  • We are going through a Birthing Canal of intensity from outside forces and within ourselves. And we just don’t have the choice of going back to the Old Ways. A mother in the process of birthing her baby cannot allow the baby to crawl back inside if the baby is in pain or terrified of the how tight that Birth Canal is.


  • There are ancient aspects of ourselves within our DNA and in our ancestral memories that we are being called to tap NOW to reawaken the Wisdom, the Compassion, the deep knowing of what “Community” means so that the needs of all are met. All humans, all species, all beings – all of our needs shall be met. It’s time to Re-Awaken those aspects of ourselves and also Open Ourselves up to the New Energies surging forward that have not been experienced on this planet ever.


  • LOVING Ourselves, Self-Compassion for ourselves and others is paramount. Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness. For ourselves and all around us is key. Healing our Shadow. Loving up our wounded Inner Child. These are all necessary for our shifting into our true beings of Love and Light.


  • Focusing on Our Basic Human needs (healthy food, clean water, clothing and simple shelter) and meeting those in a sustainable, healthy, balance way is the only path for the future, in truth.

— Case in Point: If those in Houston and the decision-making halls of Houston and DC were tapped into a greater wisdom, they would rebuild the city infrastructure and all the homes from the standpoint of what is healthiest for all species for the next 7 Generations, plus. No more chemical plants. No more oil refineries. Simple homes. Minimize the impervious surfaces. Put in major bike lanes everywhere (showers at work). More.


  • Mother Gaia is saying: ENOUGH ALREADY! Come HOME to me. I LOVE you and am your true Mother! You are born from my minerals, my waters, my beloved plants and animals. You actually don’t have a choice here since I cannot tolerate, nor do all the spiritual councils of nature spirits, ancestors and others on the spirit plane tolerate how unconscious your global society has become.


  • Mother is also sharing that this New World coming in right now is an incredibly beautiful world of Great Peace and Compassion, Community, Health, Joy and more. It is there – around the corner! (In some instances, it is here now in various corners: Ecovillages, community gardens, cooperative solar ventures, healing centers, more.)

                  — AND we are all seeds of this New World! All of us. Our personal choice is how pro-actively we gestate this seed within ourselves and collectively within our communities to begin to live the New World already – in our thoughts, actions (sustainable living, community focused), and words.

— Some have already been germinating this seed in advance and are the visionaries and ones to learn from.

— But we are all unique beings of Divine Love, and we each are being called to manifest it as our souls guide us along this path of manifesting the New World.

                    — The other option is to resist more. Tuck into the six pack of beer and numb out on Cable TV instead again. Freak out about the News and go even more Numb.


  • Every state of FEAR or Numb-Out is a doorway to potential healing though.  Every emotional freak-out or numb-out is an invitation to be held and hugged and healing energies brought forward to remind ourselves that we are not alone, we are in community and we can weave our energies together, our hearts and our creative minds to be pro-active seeds of HOPE and LOVE, for this New World.   There is an energetic global web of love, healing, and hope weaving powerfully right now and we are all invited to join in with our soul-strand to others soul-strands make it tighter and more beautiful and powerful.


  • The Age of Separation is OVER. We are now in the Age of Oneness and are being asked to truly shift into this NOW.


  • Mother wants us to deeply, deeply know also, that there are many, many beautiful and powerful ones on the Spirit planes here to support us in this Purification and Birthing. Call on them! They want to help us hugely!

                — They include: Creator/Great Mystery, Creatrix/Goddess of the Universe/Great Divine Mother, the Christ Consciousness, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel (all the Archangels), Kuan Yin, the Buddhist Taras, Oshun, Mother Gaia!, our Ancestors serving the Highest Good, Freya, Thor… the list goes on and on. Every belief system has their Gods and Goddesses to tap. Call on them!

             — They can give us strength and spiritual support in ways that are beyond words as we heal into the Love, Hope, co-creative shifting, healing, rebuilding and transitioning into this New World.

            — We are surrounded by Quantum Divine Love – ALL THE TIME. We are that Love too! We have just forgotten. NOW is the time to remember. Now… !

           —  You are a seed for the New World. Now is the time for you to truly cultivate your SEED-Self! There is a beautiful, amazing future ahead and we are all on the team to manifest it!


So much love,

Mare Cromwell, with Mother Gaia





“Knighted” and “Priestess-ed” in the Forest…

This is the lead piece in my newsletter that goes out shortly. Full newsletter here. Yes, this whole story is true. Being a mystic is a bit wild and humbling at times. xoxoxo


Well… the ‘interesting’ adventures are only expanding. And my sense is that I’m not alone. A good number of us are being spiritually pushed to go deep and shed old “stuff” and experience rather remarkable mystical phenomena.

And I’m realizing that it’s time for me to start sharing these adventures more openly. For years I’ve kept these phenomena in my life rather quiet. “They are going to think I’m really weird.” “No one will talk with me or understand if I share…”

All of those shadow voices have hindered me from going public with most of the mystical experiences I’ve been having for a long time.

It’s time for me to get over this.

This week in particular, I needed to “get over it”. This past Monday was one of the worst days I’ve had in a long time. Let’s just say that I was spinning in some old wounded Mare stories that go way back, probably farther than I could even guess into past lives. And I lashed out at two close friends in ways that were not loving and healthy.

By late Monday afternoon, Mother Gaia boomed into my head that I had to go to the local mountain for ceremony. I had to stop this spinning and ridiculousness (my word, not hers) and go clear myself energetically, spiritually, even physically. Just get away from the desk, the computer, and email where I had been too trigger happy, to go clear myself.

So I went to the mountain with my smudge bowl and some tobacco. And after cranking up the smudge bowl into a gentle smoke, I sat on an old log and just listened. My mind started to still a bit and the monkeys that were spinning the negative thoughts exited left, finally. Monkeymind on off, finally!

Then I heard the spiritual instructions that I need to do a major shedding. A metaphysical shedding of this old wounded Mare that was no longer serving me at all. Victim Mare. Abandoned Mare. Hurt Mare and “it’s all everyone else’s fault” Mare. Sigh. Those Wounded Feminine sides of me – Mare.

I was guided to metaphysically peel off an energetic skin within my spirit body that was just outside my physical body. Literally peel it off down my torso, my arms and legs—even under my feet, and over my head. Finally I pulled the whole energetic skin of “Old Wounded Mare” completely off and balled it up in my hands.

“Now what?” I asked on the spirit planes. The instructions were to bury it. I did not have a shovel or trowel, and the ground was rather hard so I dug like a cat in the dried leaves and placed it on the dry dirt and then did what all good cats do—covered it up with a pile of dried leaves. Mother Gaia assured me that she was more than happy to transmute it.

It was a relief to do that but I sensed the ceremony was not yet over. I stood up feeling lighter and asked what was next. The response I heard was that it was time for me to be “knighted”.

“Knighted!? Who has a big sword here and I’ve never seen myself as a Knight, even though I love the movie ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’,” I answered.

But I was ready for whatever this was, and stood up straighter than I think I’ve ever stood there in the forest on the mountain, to experience a wash of energy come through me all the way to my feet and into the ground. As the energy wash calmed, I heard: “You are now a Priestess.”

Wow, a “Priestess”?!

In January of 2011, a gifted healer who could communicate with the Divine Mother (“Creatrix”, he called her) told me that she liked me a great deal and that I had the potential to become one of her Priestesses. I was humbled and yet confused at the same time. Frankly I was a bit of a mess having just walked away from the Cherokee teacher with whom I had apprenticed for 14 years. My life had revolved around her and I was in the midst of what felt like a very messy divorce emotionally.

Fast forward to this past Monday, and I receive an initiation into Priestesshood that evening that was completely unplanned—by me at least. “Mother has a Plan” has been my credo for some years now. And she’s working that Plan and me big time these days. Oh, my, yes!

A close and gifted friend informed me that it made sense to her that I would be “Knighted” and then initiated as a “Priestess” in that order. The reason for this is that I need to embody the Divine Masculine in me first to hold the sacred space for my Divine Feminine to be protected and emerge safely.

So … this is what happened to me this past Monday and I’m a shifted person. More empowered, centered, grounded, shadow voice mostly stilled. I’m present and rolling, honestly, rolling into some good fun stuff.  Most, most humbling and good.

Plus it’s been a busy week too. Did another video up on YouTube of a teaching from Mother (on Crop Circles). Been downloading messages from her constantly. New projects, new inspiration, co-creations guided by her. Yes, I have truly surrendered to serve her.

And how was YOUR week?

Hugs, hugs, bigLove to all,



Video Podcast Message from Mother – Chaos and the Grid of Energy, 7/31/16

Posted with love on 8/3/16.

Earth Mother’s Message on Chaos, the Grid of Energy, and need for Calm.




The Great Mother Bible – National & International Awards!


The Great Mother Bible -Winner of COVR National Book Award & Finalist in the International Book Awards.

(FREDERICK, MD/July 6, 2016) Pamoon Press is delighted to announce that The Great Mother Bible has won the Coalition of Visionary Resources 2016 National Book Award in the “Inspiration” category. This book is the third of multi-award-winning author Mare Cromwell’s books and the second in her series of books of downloaded messages from Earth Mother. In addition it won the People’s Choice and tied in the Retailers Choice in the same category.


The Great Mother Bible is also an Award-Winning Finalist in the “Spirituality: Inspiration” category of the 2016 International Book Awards. This particular book competition accepts books from all areas of the publishing industry worldwide: mainstream, indie and self-published. Thus a Finalist Award is significant recognition considering that The Great Mother Bible is self-published.


This unique spiritual book cuts to the essence of women’s spirituality like no other book has. It eloquently conveys the nurturing feminine quality, a healing quality that is much needed at this time. Human treatment of the environment is sadly out of balance and there is much chaos in the social, political and natural realms across the globe. At one point in time visionaries in indigenous cultures communicated with Mother Earth to keep human’s relationships with her in balance. The Great Mother Bible offers to restore that communication to ultimately bring us back into balance again.

Laced with humor and insight, The Great Mother Bible is a work of revelation and self-revelation. It is grounded in the day-to-day joys and sorrows of the author, which she delivers with unvarnished candor. It is rare to find a book that delivers such lofty visions of the divine realms, while also speaking nakedly about the pains and joys of everyday relationships with lovers, cats, money and mentors.

This book so powerfully embraces the Divine Feminine that it is already impacting readers’ spiritual lives in quite significant ways. The wisdom within this book just might help bring out the healing our modern-day society needs to gracefully transition into the New World being born presently. If we are on the cusp of a spiritual revolution driven by the Goddess Energy, this might just be the book that lights the fuse to help bring more beauty and balance into this troubled world.

Prominent Reviews About The Great Mother Bible:

“…an enjoyable female version of Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God … Positive, powerful insights about love, spirituality, the universe, and Mother Earth.”   ~ Kirkus Reviews

“I love the wisdom and the message of love within this book!” ~ New Age Books Review

“A significant contribution to the growing library of Metaphysical Studies literature and an inherently fascinating, absorbing read from beginning to end. Very highly recommended.”

~ MidWest Book Reviews


Mare Cromwell is a multi-award-winning author, international speaker, healer and nature mystic. Her other books are: Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother and If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America. She has studied with Native American teachers for twenty years and participated for three years on the World Council for Wisdom Gatherings. She leads workshops on our Sacred Planet-Earth Mother, Womb Wisdom and Sacred Silliness. She also produced the Great Mother Wisdom Gathering in 2014, and loves to be involved in Sacred Water Ceremonies. In addition Mare is a former worm herder and Sacred Gardener who calls Western Maryland home.


Excellent News from Granny, the Orca Whale – Global Waters Are Healing

Some who have read The Great Mother Bible may remember one of the final chapters was a message from Granny, the 105 year old orca whale in the Salish Sea. Mary J. Getten is the gifted animal communicator who has been relaying Granny’s messages to the world via her books and blog (and generously gave me permission to use that particular one in the book).

I was overjoyed today to read this most recent communication from Granny dated January, 2016. It gives me such great hope to know our prayers and water ceremonies are making a difference in our global waters. Read on. (From Mary J. Getten’s website for Global Water Healing.)

January, 2016 – Granny

Mary: There were 8 calves born in the past year, 5 to J-pod. This is more than in any year since the 1990s. I asked Granny about this and she said,

Granny: We are so happy about all these babies. It has been a long time since we had so many births. This has been a joyous year for us. They are all doing very well too. We are getting healthy. The love and blessings that humans are sending to us have helped our waters and our own health. It is proof that you can make a difference. Please tell people that they should continue to hold us in the light and send love and healing energy. It is working!!

Mary: Then I asked Granny if she had a message for humanity on this special day and she said,

Granny: Days come and days go. None are more special than another, but it is up to you, what you will do with each and every day. Make the most of the time you have. Do not be complacent or hopeless about the state of the world. It may look bleak at times, but there is much beauty and things are changing in the realms and levels you cannot see.

Scientists have been predicting that our family will go extinct. They lost faith in us and speak of doom and gloom, yet the love and healing energy that people have been sending, have counteracted that negative vibration. We are thriving! Our community is excited and celebrating the new calves we have. This is the result of your work.

Do not let go of your dreams for the future. Do not let the naysayers and negativity affect you. Do what you must to keep yourself in a positive and uplifted state and spend your time wisely. Worry and anger are a waste of precious energy. Focus on the good, hold thoughts of love and healing and see the world in the perfect state it is becoming. Perfection is on the way, so do not believe the illusions that some are promoting.

We whales and dolphins love humanity and are here to help you. Join your energy with ours to heal each other and the planet. We are sending our love and blessings to you always.

Granny Photo
Granny – photo by Mary J. Getten


Message from Mother: I Can Help You with Your Pain … Connect with Me. Love You!

[Mother asked me to post this yesterday on Facebook. It is written in the third person, not from her but from me. But it is from her. Sending love, hugs, and peace out to all of you during these troubling times. xoxox]

Beautiful ones,
(feel free to share… xoxox )
If you feel overwhelmed by the news, the terror, the fear, please, please, for your sake and those around you, go outside and find a more natural area to walk in and find a tree to hug. Go outside and ask Mother, Earth Mother, to take your grief, your sorrow, your pain, if you feel overwhelmed.

She can take it.

Please don’t let FB and the news media keep you spinning. It is just more fomenting of the spinning going on and we can all be pulled in so easily. So many are.

Please take a break from FB and the news.
Go work the soil. Go for a walk in the woods. Put your hands on a tree and ask for support and ask that your overwhelm be taken up and transmuted by Mother.

She is there for all of us. And she can handle it. Her Love is one of the most powerful healing forces out there for us to tap into.



Mother’s Message, 6/10/16, Please Send Love & Light to the USA Political System

Message from Earth Mother, this morning, Fri, June 10, 2016.
(Pls Forward… )

My children, my beautiful children, how I Love you so, so much.

This is a different type of message than anything I’ve asked Mare to share so far.

My children, did you know you are all Lightworkers? Did you know that all of you have the potential to tap into my Love and the Love of the Christ Consciousness to be beings of Love and Light in every moment of the day?

And if you feel some moments of anger, rage, jealousy and other heavier emotions, acknowledge them, feel them as deeply as you can (without hurting anyone, including my beloved trees, animals and more), and then release them. Please don’t fall into a wallow of self-criticism, as best as you can. I forgive you for them. Please also don’t hold onto them, as best as you can. Everything is a teaching and then it is time to move on. Know that you are Loved, so Loved by me and Creation and the Christ Consciousness and more. This Love is beyond words. Quantum Divine Love of such beauty and compassion. So much Love.

You are all Lightworkers.

And to those who already know they are Lightworkers, I am asking you to tap into your Love and Light and brighten it even more. Tap into me and Creation and all who support you in your gifts and send Love and Light to the Political System of the USA. Please as many of you as possible, send this Love and Light.

So many are sending their hatred, their fear, their anger that this is only feeding the hatred, fear and anger in the Politicians and the whole system. Fear only begets more fear. Anger only begets more anger. Hatred… well, you get.

All of you are part of a global collective web of energy. Facebook is a huge part of this web. There is so much energy spinning across Facebook and through the media, and in people’s conversations that is creating more of a spin energetically. This spin is not enjoyable for me, your Earth Mother, nor all the sensitives in your population. Nor the animals, plants, and all who live here on me, with me.

Please, my call out to you this morning is to find the Love and Light in yourself, every morning. And once you are sitting in that place, as best as you can, send Love and Light out to the USA political system. The whole system. Or if you’d rather send it to one of your favorite politicians, go ahead and do that too.

The energies are building on me in so many levels. It would be helpful if my two-leggeds did not overly feed this, as much as you are. This would be a huge help for me and so many others.

I love all of you. All of you so, so much.
Earth Mother.

image courtesy of globaltalentidaho.org

USA, Washington D.C, White House, garden and fountains in foreground

Weighing the Insanity, Knowing Earth Mother is Hard-Wired to Heal

I wonder how many people truly know what it is like to be an Earth Empath, and Gaia Communicator, and to drive by fields that are sickly brown in the midst of a gloriously wet, wet spring, knowing that harsh chemicals have killed all of the plants? All of them.

— And the chemicals have seeped down into the ground water which is where the local farmers and communities source their water. Not to mention wildlife, etc.
— And to hear Mother’s comments, and feel my own grief at this insanity of killing life, again and again and again. With no regard for the wisdom of the Planet. No regard.

Am doing lots of processing and some deep, deep inner work these days, related to so much, and current life sensitivities and seeking, seeking deeply to find peace in the moment, in the midst of these rather insane times.

And I keep on coming back to we humans are only a wink of time. Those of us here now are living in these ‘interesting’ times. And Mother will always heal. And I am healing. And eventually all of those chemicals will break down, even if it takes 1000 years.

Yet… the children, the seeds, the frogs, the whales, the sensitive ones — did they really choose to absorb all of these toxins? Or grow up in a planet that is getting warmer by leaps and bounds, that is not normal — whatever normal is?

I’m not sure what normal means? Perhaps there is a Divine Plan here with all of this?

I need to go play with the trees, and find some otters to swim with, methinks. They always get me out of my funky moods, even if they only join me in the spiritual realms.

What a journey. What an adventure.
It’s all good.
Grist for the mill.

Earth Mother is hard-wired to heal.
She will always heal.

And so will all of us, when we commit to that.
It’s all good.


hugs, bigLove to all,