Mother Gaia teaches @ Money & Energy in light of all the Fears within the Pandemic

The invitation to you at this time, my beloved Humans, is for you to remember how to live in Community again so that the needs of all are taken care of, as your Ancestors took care of the other sacred members of their Village in a Good Way. This includes being in Balance and Harmony with all Sacred Life around you and your communities.

You are all One, with Me as your True Mother. We are all One with Creator and all the other Sacred ones here and within the Universal Realms.

It used to be when your human Ancestors lived in small villages so close to my Sacred Land, that altruism was the way of being, and there was no currency exchange. The needs of All were taken care of within the village, by the village. If one went hungry, it meant that all were hungry. No one was left out.

Then the villages got bigger. Food was grown outside the growing villages and commerce started with the need for a currency. And currency is only Energy being exchanged.

Thus — Money is essentially Energy. Yet it has lost its original pristine energetics. It has gotten way warped out into the realms of the Fear and Lack Illusions. Tainted by those realms. Yet at its source still, is the potential for Money to just be a conveyance of pure Energy between individuals. As sharing food and clothing with friends or neighbors is a way of sharing Energy…

The human realms, as a collective conscious and subconscious, have much waking up to do. These memories are still in your DNA though. Know this.

Yet you can do this… Yes, you can! Open your hearts… that is the first step…  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the next step!

Please know you are surrounded by so many hugely powerful spiritual teams supporting you in doing this. Call on the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Me – as your Planetary Caretaker, your Ancestors serving the Highest Good, and more spiritual ones who are committed to my Highest Good too, to help you. They are waiting for you to ask. I am waiting for you to connect with me and ask.

You are not alone and You are So Loved!

I Love you so, so much!

~ Mother Gaia


A Teaching About Love and Soup – Message from Mother, 11/9/18

Message from Mother Gaia – A Teaching About Love and Soup

(Sorry no recipe included, but you could try the one that starts with a Stone. 😉 )



Quantum Divine Love Soup


My Beloved Children, your cultural conditioning has taught you that everything is limited and you must grab for what you can to exist. This includes the whole wide gamut of money and love. (Respect is a form of Love, too)


Yet this could not be farther from the truth. You are all eating, breathing, and even pooping in a limitless Love Soup – Quantum Divine Love, and abundance. For real. Water is actually Love Flowing in this limitless Love – and most of you use toilets. So pooping counts too.


You are living in a Quantum Divine Love Soup!  Yet your culture would have you think that there is never enough to go around. Never enough money, nor Love, nor chocolate even (for those chocoholics such as you, Mare)!


So many ascended beings, spiritual avatars, gifted Lightworkers are dancing in this Love Soup and doing great Work to nudge all of you into dancing with them. Please know this.


You are not alone. You have never been alone and the infinite Love within the Quantum Divine Love Soup team, the Ascended Masters and more, have been beaming LOVE on you long before you ever incarnated in this particular EarthWalk.


Beautiful ones, just about all the songs in your culture speak of needing Love, losing Love, collapsing under lack of Love. Many take their lives since they have completely lost any sense of Love. Every time one of my Beloved humans takes their life, the sadness ripple from that suicide gives me sorrow.


Do you see how your society is perpetuating these “Stories” that keep you spinning in the sad mindset that another person is going to give you – what you already have!  You just have not truly absorbed this.


You are swimming in Quantum Divine Love Soup!  Drink it in. Bathe in it!


And most importantly, take this infinite abundance of Love Soup and bring it into your heart, and affirm in 1000 ways how you can Love yourself. Love your wounded inner child. Love all of the wounded aspects within you that block you from your Self-Love.


All of you chose to be here on me, Mother Gaia, at this particularly adventurous time in my history. All of you have the potential to be beautiful, amazing, Lightworkers weaving my New Earth in.


I am very, very pregnant right now, with this New Earth. And all of you are my mid-wives, if you choose to truly heal into this Role.


I am calling to each one of you, to your hearts and your souls, to support my rebirthing. And the way to support me is to heal your hearts and emotional bodies, shed the Cultural Conditioning, learn to live sustainably and Celebrate that you are all glorious, beloved, children of mine, and of Creation also.


I Love you!


Now, go have some Love Soup!  (If you add some organic potatoes to it, it will taste even better.   ;~)  )


~ Mother Gaia


#GaiaPriestess  #Mystic #EarthMother #TheGreatMotherBible #Channeled #MessagesfromMother #Gaia

#GreatMotherLoveWay  #QuantumDivineLove #Soup  #Wisdom
