Mother Gaia teaches @ Money & Energy in light of all the Fears within the Pandemic

The invitation to you at this time, my beloved Humans, is for you to remember how to live in Community again so that the needs of all are taken care of, as your Ancestors took care of the other sacred members of their Village in a Good Way. This includes being in Balance and Harmony with all Sacred Life around you and your communities.

You are all One, with Me as your True Mother. We are all One with Creator and all the other Sacred ones here and within the Universal Realms.

It used to be when your human Ancestors lived in small villages so close to my Sacred Land, that altruism was the way of being, and there was no currency exchange. The needs of All were taken care of within the village, by the village. If one went hungry, it meant that all were hungry. No one was left out.

Then the villages got bigger. Food was grown outside the growing villages and commerce started with the need for a currency. And currency is only Energy being exchanged.

Thus — Money is essentially Energy. Yet it has lost its original pristine energetics. It has gotten way warped out into the realms of the Fear and Lack Illusions. Tainted by those realms. Yet at its source still, is the potential for Money to just be a conveyance of pure Energy between individuals. As sharing food and clothing with friends or neighbors is a way of sharing Energy…

The human realms, as a collective conscious and subconscious, have much waking up to do. These memories are still in your DNA though. Know this.

Yet you can do this… Yes, you can! Open your hearts… that is the first step…  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the next step!

Please know you are surrounded by so many hugely powerful spiritual teams supporting you in doing this. Call on the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Me – as your Planetary Caretaker, your Ancestors serving the Highest Good, and more spiritual ones who are committed to my Highest Good too, to help you. They are waiting for you to ask. I am waiting for you to connect with me and ask.

You are not alone and You are So Loved!

I Love you so, so much!

~ Mother Gaia


12/24 – 1/6 Gifting Gaia During the Holy-Days

Gifting Gaia During the Holy-Days

(Yes, this is being posted after Christmas, but the Holy-Days will continue until 1/6. Personally, I’m finding this very rich. xoxox)

Some spiritual guidance from Mother Gaia during this auspicious time of the year – the Twelve Holy-Days (Dec 24th – Jan 6th). There is a powerful spiritual portal open to us during this time period to help us awaken more, and support us in birthing the New World coming in at this time.

1) Be still as much as you can.

2) Focus on simplicity in your affairs, your parties, your meals, your gifting.

3) Let this be a season of releasing, releasing, releasing, releasing the old ways that no longer serve you or me, Mother Gaia. This is not something that you do overnight, but feel the callings in your soul – body to come back to the Light and Love that is your true essence.

4) Create a list of ways that you can come Home to me more—your Planetary Caretaker, your true Mother here on this Sacred Planet that has loved you so much. Far beyond words is my Love for you! For instance—how can you consume less? How can you wean yourself and your family and community from fossil fuels? How can you Love the trees, the animals and the very food on your plate more? How can you love the very soil microbiota that contributed to growth of the food on your plate?

5) Think about your neighbors and how you might be able to help them out. Everyone is in need in some way. Maybe they just need a hug if they don’t need any gifts. Don’t push yourself on them but perhaps there are ways you can support them even if they are grumpy, unhappy people.

6) Listen within to that Divine Center within you that has many names in many religious traditions. If you can’t hear it, be gentle with yourself and just be still in whatever type of Sacred Place you can create. Candles help to create Sacred Space.

7) Take a break from the monkey-mind chatter from Social Media and go deeper. Allow the distractions to fall away to be still and remember how sacred and powerful you are.

8) Commit to serving the Highest Good for Divine Plan Alignment from that place of stillness.

9) Remember who you are. Who you truly are as beings of such Light and Love, beyond the drama, beyond the illusions, beyond the false Western Mind dreams that are manifesting so much fear and despair.

10) All of you can help shift the growing trauma on me, your Mother Gaia, by gifting me with these precepts above. All of you have hearts that can heal and forgiveness to manifest, and peace to cultivate deeply within. All of you. Tap into the Christ/Buddha/Krishna/White Buffalo Calf Woman Consciousness. Come Home to me … I am yearning for this.

I love you so, so, so much!
~ Mother Gaia

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Message from Mother: What Are You Waiting For? May 3, 2015

Message from Mother:

What are you waiting for?

What Are You waiting for?

Do you see it is now? All you need to do is to take that shovel and start that garden. All you need to do is to knock on the neighbor’s door and invite them over for dinner, regardless of their skin color. Maybe a couple of neighbors. Even have a potluck. All you need to do is get that bike out of the garage and clean the chain and start using it. Put a big basket on the front. Carry groceries home. Take fresh veggies to a friend across town, once you’ve gotten your shovel out and planted the seeds and loved those vegetables up so much your tomatoes are the size of a small melon. And the melons are the size of basketball.

All you need to do is get out of being just in your dreams and grab the shovel. It’s good to start with the soil. And good to sing. And drum. And love. Everyday Love. Love me, Earth Mother. Love Creation. Love the soil. And even love the grouchy neighbor across the way who’s in pain and could use that Love more than you know.

What are you waiting for?

I love you. I need all of you on board birthing this New World coming in now. All of you.

I love you all so, so, so much!Shovel


Message 24 – Stories, the Stories…You Know, They Are Not All True.

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]


Oh my most loved, beloved, beloved two-leggeds, how I adore you all so, so much. I just want to hug each and every one of you everyday. I do!

Today I want to talk about stories. Not stories that I could tell since there are a whole lot of those that could fill several thousand libraries and more. I love those stories about how I nudge evolution along with Creator, and what happened to the dinosaurs. So many stories, but that is not what I want to talk about today.

No, I want to talk about the stories of your culture, and the stories in your head that are not true about 99.999999% of the time.

Let’s start with the big overarching story of your culture, the culture that buys Coca-Cola amongst other stuff in your stores. Ha! Story … Stores … seems to be a theme here …

So this big story is that everyone needs to compete. Think about that. Were you all really born to have this race through your life to see who gets the most toys or Coca-Cola by the time you die?

As your Mother, let me tell you the answer is NO. But so many of you—most of you—bought into that story since your kindergarden got you started on that slippery slope of comparing yourself to others where only one kid could be at the top of the class, while the rest of you were inferior to that one kid. And the competition was off and running.

Then there are your job places where one two-legged at the top has cases and cases of Coca-Cola and the two-leggeds sorting mail have only one Coke. Everyone compares themselves and most two-leggeds go home with some dark cloud over their head since their Coke collection is so puny.

This makes me so sad since the truth is that you all live in community. You always have and you always will be living in community.  Another truth is a community not based on your culture’s story but a healthy one sees all as gifted—in different ways—and makes sure that all have food, and shelter and clothing and time to celebrate and time to mourn, all together. No one gets the failing grade in class. And no one is out on the street holding a tin cup trying to scrounge some coins to buy a coffee in below-freezing weather and praying some hidden alley corner with some cardboard will provide enough shelter to survive the winter night.

Everyone gets the same amount of Coca-Cola and it is all shared. Argh. Forget about Coke. Rots your teeth anyway. And all that acid and sugar in your system makes you sick too. Let’s get rid of the Coca-Cola.


So there is that story that is not true.

Then, there are all the stories in your heads that are incessant and telling you that you are not good enough, or that other two-legged is really mean and you’ve been victimized by them. Or since you woke up on the wrong side of the bed then it’s going to be a bad day.

Oh, my beloved two-leggeds, you are so lovable. And I am so entertained by all of the stories that rattle around in your head. Some of them are so amazing. But the thing is: I know they are stories but you don’t. You believe all of them as truth.

The truth is that you are incredibly divine, all of you. And you are loved SO MUCH by Creator and Me, your Mother. AND… get this… there is so much mystery that is at play all the time between you and others, that to think you have the whole ‘story’ about why that person treated you in that way that was hurtful is kind of arrogant.

You two-leggeds are all belovedly wounded. All of you. From past-lives, from this life. All the layers of experiences that have triggered you and you have not healed from. So you act out of those wounded places in your soul, in your heart, and your actions and sometimes hurt others. And the others then don’t understand and it triggers their woundedness or gives them a whole new wound. And the domino game is on … because most of you take the victim road and feed your wounds with your stories.

Gosh, I hope this is making sense.

But, but, but… when you stop for a moment and realize perhaps that other person was so wounded and hurt because of the mysteries within them, and that’s what motivated them to call you ‘mean’ or leave you a nasty phone call … AND you choose to not take any of it personally but instead feel compassion for their pain, you’ve stopped the domino game. More that that, you’ve started to pump healing energy into the world. Your compassion can help heal that other two-legged.

Because that is what it is all about, my beloved two-leggeds. Your journey here as a two-legged in this earthwalk is to heal. Heal your wounds, cultivate your GodSpace/CreatorSpace and live in Community. TaDa!

Community! It’s a glorious thing. It is.

And then there are all the four-leggeds, six-leggeds, winged ones, finned ones, and on and on. They are waiting for you all to remember Community too. Since… they are part of your Community too!  TaDa, TaDa!

I need a drum roll here. Please.

I love you all, oh, rivers and rivers and rivers and rivers of GREAT Love!

Talk again soon.

Message 14 – During Hurricane Sandy

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

This is the Message that I was guided to send out just as Hurricane Sandy was starting to hit in the middle of the night, early Monday morning in Western Maryland. October 29th, 2012. I broadcast this on Facebook and email.

Dear Friends –
Mother nudged me out of bed about 1/2 hr ago (4:30am) and has me sitting at my altar. I was encouraged to pick up my drum and just start drumming to put some healing peaceful energy into the midst of this storm and all the fear-mongering that has been going on about it.

Then Mother told me to send a message far and wide to encourage people to sink their energies into her, Earth Mother, and feel her love and pull her love up into themselves and if they have a drum to pick it up, to then drum this love from Mother energy out around them, their homes and their neighborhoods.

If they don’t have a drum, then they can chant, sing, hum… anything to move the energy of calm and love out.

On an energetic level, there are some rather dense, fear-based energies associated with this storm that are very potent and any and all that we can do to shift them, to balance them with more peaceful and loving energies will be all good.

I guess I just need to do my part and send this msg out to as many as I can in the wee hours of the morning. Any meditative Earth Mother love energies folks want to contribute to all here in this big storm on the East Coast (and elsewhere suffering from Earthquakes, war, etc…) all would be good. I’m sending them back to you all, too.

hugs, blessings, love to you…

Message 13 – About a Joyful Future

[The first section of this blog is a book written by Gaia Communicator Mare Cromwell called Messages from Mother…. Earth Motherwhich was released at the end of October, 2012. Several gifted Native American elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Earth Mother. You can read all of the Messages from that book here or purchase the printed book independently. It is also available as a Kindle ebook and at other internet venues, and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.

The Great Mother Bible came out Spring 2015 is now also available as an ebook and hard copy on Amazon, and other ebook venues. If you’d like to order a personally autographed copy of any of Mare’s books from her directly, go to her personal website:]


Mother: Sarah, Sarah … Sarah. I am so loving these meetings with you in the Sacred Grove. You don’t know how much I look forward to them every week. It is so much fun to be chatting with you and sharing these messages. I did not tell you this before, but I’d been trying to find the right two-legged to be my messenger for a number of years. You were the one who kept on surfacing. So I kept an eye on you until it felt like the right time to appear to you. You are a very special two-legged, so pure of heart and intention. And you’ve always loved me. I know this.

Sarah: Gosh, Mother, those are such kind words. I’m not sure if I deserve all of that. I don’t feel that special at all. As a matter of fact, I had the hardest time getting up this morning because I offended another teacher at work yesterday. It was by mistake and I felt really awful about it.

Mother: Sarah, love, you are a flawed two-legged just like every other two-legged and so lovable. Don’t fret about what happened at work. You did not intend to be mean. There are two-leggeds out there who actually enjoy being mean. That’s not you. You are a beautiful person. You are—inside and out. Plus, you’ve always been deeply connected to me. From the moment you were a young girl running around outside playing in the woods and fields outside your family’s home.

Sarah: I never thought about it that way. I guess I have been.

Mother: Yes. Yes, indeed. So, this meeting today is going to be different. I’m going to take you on a journey. A journey into the future. This is going to be fun. What I want you to do is to come over here and scootch next to me here on this small bench. I’m going to hold your hand and off we’ll go! Don’t worry, we’ll be safe.

Sarah got up from her wooden chair and squeezed in beside Mother on the bench where Mother was sitting. The space was so tight that Sarah and Mother’s sides were pressed together. Sarah wanted to just snuggle right into Mother but resisted the temptation. She knew Mother wanted her to stay alert and present.

Okay, Sarah, I’m going to hold your hand and you just close your eyes and trust me. We’re going to go on a wonderful journey! I want you just to observe and I’ll explain things as we go, okay?

Before Sarah knew it, she was transported out of her body into a dream state that was more than just dreaming. Mother was next to her, grasping her hand as they zoomed through the air. They quickly left the forest, and before Sarah knew it, they were flying over very high mountains with glaciers that extended for a very long way. They swooped over forested valleys that sparkled with streams and rivers coursing through them and over more mountains. In one valley an eagle flew close and parallel to them. Sarah could feel its piercing gaze as they flew together. Then the eagle soared off. Hawks circled below them at several points. It felt as if they were flying across the world.


Finally they arrived at a large valley with several villages dotting it. Sarah could see the chimney smoke from high up as she and Mother made a silent circle over one village. Mother guided them to the ground on the outskirts of that village, beyond a pasture of cows and sheep. Goats grazed in another nearby field while chickens clucked next to a set of gardens behind several homes.

Mother: Sarah, we can stand here and observe this village. They can’t see us. They can’t even hear us. We have traveled to the future here and are in a different dimension from theirs. I want you to observe these two-leggeds and tell me what you notice. I know you can see they are living very differently from the way you live in your apartment in the city. Or the way other two-leggeds live outside the city, in those areas where all the houses look like little boxes.

Sarah: Yes, that is so true. Their homes are so simple and they are all round and seem to be made out of—is that woven material over wood? And how interesting that they’ve been able to make curved glass windows. Their clothes are more muted colors, none of the really bright reds or yellows or oranges that we have now. What I’m really noticing is how happy everyone looks. The children are running around, playing a game with sticks and what looks like hollowed gourds. I can’t figure the game out, but their laughter is so infectious. Oh, look! One of the children is running this way!

Mother: Do not worry, daughter, this little boy can’t see us. He’ll run right by us and will never know that we’re here.

The young boy ran within three feet of Sarah and right past her to grab some more sticks and then returned to the other children close to one of the homes.

Sarah: Mother, I think I see lights inside one of the homes? Could this be possible? I don’t see any electrical lines outside and yet it looks like a lamp inside?

Mother: Yes, Sarah, they do have lamps that work. But they’ve gotten smarter and don’t need to have an electrical grid based on breaking atoms or my precious coal layers to provide the electricity. Every home has a technology that creates electricity out of a vortex box in one side of the home. I can’t explain it exactly but they’ve been able to create these systems that naturally return to the soil after they stop working. They are so clean and silent and beautiful. I love them. These vortex boxes power their lights, their fans, their cold food storage, just about anything they need that requires energy.

I love what they are doing in these villages. They don’t rely on any materials from my skin and bones. They use the trees and plants and animal parts and their labs create beautiful things that all break down in time in a lovely way. Nothing toxic like the things your culture creates now. When they go out in the forest, they work with such reverence and kindness with the plant beings. It’s so beautiful. And it’s so peaceful here. These two-leggeds have learned from the mistakes of your time to leave the stuff in my bones—my rock layers—alone. Everything they are doing is coming from what they are finding in the woods and valley around them.

Let me share more with you about these villages, about aspects of them that are hard for you to see from here. These two-leggeds are very sensitive. Most of them talk psychically with each other all the time. They are very empathic too, and are constantly communicating with the plants that grow around their homes, their vegetables and flowers, as well as with their four-legged companions, the dogs, cats, sheep, etc. They recognize they are in relationship on the same level with all their four-leggeds.

But it’s not as if these two-leggeds chat all the time. Their minds are much more still than the minds of the two-leggeds in your culture. They are able to sit with a calm mind and tune into nature intelligences from miles away. They know when rainstorms are coming several days in advance, by standing outside and listening and feeling. Their more gifted ones are particularly able to do this. They are powerful healers and very, very wise souls.

There are no prisons here, Sarah. No jails even. Certainly there are some who struggle and sometimes violate the village codes. But instead of being sent to a jail, they are assigned to be with a gifted one to be healed. The gifted ones, when they need a break because they are exhausted from their healing and spiritual work, go on retreat to a sacred cluster of guesthouses along the edge of the forest way over to the north. There is a big spring that bubbles out of the rocks near the guesthouses. My energy is very powerful in that place, and the healers go there to replenish themselves and tune into the wisdom of the spring and rocks. The village people know that the space is sacred for the gifted ones only.

Ceremonies are held here often. Ceremony for the plants, the gardens, the harvest, the moons. When a baby is born. When someone passes over. When someone goes through a major healing and is born into a new phase in their life. There are ceremonies for all of these events. I love their ceremonies since there is so much fun and love and dancing, singing, drumming—all of it. It’s such a joy for me to come and visit them here. You see, I can travel here into the future anytime I want. I do this often to help me stay hopeful in the midst of all you two-leggeds are going through at this time.

One thing this village does not have is people who have the greed sickness. That was healed several generations ago. Whenever anyone starts to show any sign of hoarding or not sharing, they are immediately asked to go and sit with one of the gifted ones for some healings and teachings. What a relief to me that the greed sickness no longer prevails here.

Yes, everything is shared. Food is shared. Homes are even shared at times when someone is in need. No one goes hungry. No one is lacking. Everyone knows the community is watching out for them to make sure they get what they need—food, or warm blankets, or even hugs. They build homes together, and it’s amazing the systems they have. These homes go up fast with everyone cooperating and singing while they’re working. Sometimes they tell jokes too. Even corny ones. I love those corny jokes, as you know.

And I love how the elders are so active. They live with their children and grandchildren. They watch the young ones when the parents are gardening or working in the village craft centers. The smiles on these grandparents’ faces. Oh, it makes me all tickled inside, seeing how happy they are. And you know what? These elders live until they are into their 120’s or so.

When an elder or anyone takes sick, they go to another part of the village, a cluster of cottages where they are treated by special gifted ones with the most powerful healing abilities and knowledge of herbs. It’s all done with such love and kindness. So beautiful.

Sure, there are times when some two-legged might get upset or angry or have a bad day, but these bursts of emotion are short-lived since they are surrounded by such love. They are supported in healing through their moment’s pain so quickly.

When there are decisions to be made that involve the whole village, they come together in a circle with specially selected women and men, elders and teenagers. All viewpoints are heard and weighed. These two-leggeds are good listeners since their minds are so still. It’s fun to watch these meetings and see how they move from voice to voice to take all the wisdom into a sacred container to distill it all into decisions that serve them all.

What is most remarkable is how they perceive time. They trust there is time for everything and that all will be taken care of in the right time. That great fear of a limited resource called time does not exist there. Some of them, the gifted ones, even know how to bend time.

Sarah, this is the future. Your culture, believe it or not, is evolving toward this.

I only wish that I could snap my fingers and take you there in a millisecond. But your culture has to work through its growing pains to finally arrive at this place, these beautiful sets of villages in clusters around the planet.

Come, it’s time for us return to the Sacred Grove now.

Before Sarah knew it they were back in the Sacred Grove. She settled back into her body as if she had been in a dream. Yet part of her yearned to fly some more and visit more of these magical villages of the future. And soar with the eagle over the pristine valleys. It was so beautiful and peaceful. 

Mother: Sarah, I have just taken you to see the future. I need you to write about these villages. I need you to share what you have just seen so the two-leggeds of today can see that glimmer of potential and hope beyond the chaos that is rampant in your world today. I know it’s my world too, but your lives are so short. This is really your two-legged world that is cracking open to birth a new world. That is what your rather crazed wink in time is going through right now. My world, my planet is going to make it just fine through this very, very short-term bumpiness. I’m continuing to tweak some species with their next evolutionary phase. I’ll be working with the Thunderbeings and elementals. And the earthquakes and volcanoes. I’m fine, though taking a little bruising—it is true.

The hardest challenge for all of you today is finding hope in the midst of the turbulence. Sarah, this is one of the most important messages for you to share. You two-leggeds need the hope.

Know that each person who reads your messages, Sarah, will be seeded with this vision of hope. They will be the ones to take leadership in a variety of ways to help bring this future in reality. There will be many who won’t read your messages, and they won’t be seeded. But that is okay. Not everyone is meant to be seeded.

I will help you get these messages out. I’ll be working in mysterious ways to help you get these published and out into people’s hands. Don’t worry about that. I know you’ve never written a book before. Don’t worry.

One more thing … Sarah, this will be our last message for now. I need you to work on polishing all the messages I’ve given you and sending them off to be published. Once you’ve done that, there may be more messages later. I need you to stay focused on printing these up and spreading the seeds of hope for the future. The seeds of love and connection with me, for the future.

Sarah: Oh, Mother, please don’t stop the messages while I’m working on the book and polishing these other ones up! Please! I’ve come to love these visits with you in the Sacred Grove so much. I’ve loved Mr. Tufts and how he waits for me on the trail to bring me here and take me back. I can’t imagine stopping these meetings.

Mother: Sarah, I will always be with you. I’ve always been with you—since you were born, actually. Don’t worry. I’ll visit you in your dreams. There is a good chance that we’ll have more meetings here too. Mr. Tufts is not planning to retire from his job. He has already informed me of that. But right now you need to focus on getting this book out. Now, don’t cry. Remember, I will always be with you. Always.

Mother stood up and pulled Sarah to her and held her as Sarah started sobbing. She held Sarah for a long time until Sarah calmed down, exhaling softly into Mother’s chest for a while. Then she gently pulled back from Sarah and looked at her.

Mother: Sarah, I have just seeded you and healed your heart more deeply than before. You are a messenger for the future. For the unborn two-leggeds of the future. For all of my children of the future, four-legged children, six-legged, finned ones, winged ones, standing ones, all of them. Your work with these messages is important. Here, let me give you one more hug. Then I need to be off. But I will visit you in your dreams. I promise I will. Often.

Mother gave Sarah one more deep embrace and then touched her hand to Sarah’s heart again.

Mother: Such a beautiful pure soul you are, Sarah. I love you so much.

Okay, I’ve got to head off. Remember, I will be visiting you. So much love, so much love to you. And to all of my two-leggeds. So much love!

With a final twinkle in her eye, Mother turned, walked to the edge of the Sacred Grove and disappeared. Once again, Mr. Tufts magically appeared at Sarah’s feet to take her back to the trail in the forest. Sarah was surprised at how uplifted she felt. She thought she’d feel despairing about leaving Mother and the Sacred Grove, not knowing if she’d ever come back again. Instead, she felt buoyant and excited and started to brainstorm about how she would schedule her time to get the messages together quickly into book form.

Before she knew it she was at the trail. Mr. Tufts actually gave her a little wink before he turned and disappeared too.

Alone, Sarah hiked back to her car, pondering on her dreamtime and how she knew Mother would be visiting her there. Maybe Mother might even bring some more corny jokes to dreamtime. Sarah smiled at that thought. She’d look forward to more of Mother’s jokes—as bad as they could be—even in her dreams. Now on to the book!