Mother Gaia teaches @ Money & Energy in light of all the Fears within the Pandemic

The invitation to you at this time, my beloved Humans, is for you to remember how to live in Community again so that the needs of all are taken care of, as your Ancestors took care of the other sacred members of their Village in a Good Way. This includes being in Balance and Harmony with all Sacred Life around you and your communities.

You are all One, with Me as your True Mother. We are all One with Creator and all the other Sacred ones here and within the Universal Realms.

It used to be when your human Ancestors lived in small villages so close to my Sacred Land, that altruism was the way of being, and there was no currency exchange. The needs of All were taken care of within the village, by the village. If one went hungry, it meant that all were hungry. No one was left out.

Then the villages got bigger. Food was grown outside the growing villages and commerce started with the need for a currency. And currency is only Energy being exchanged.

Thus — Money is essentially Energy. Yet it has lost its original pristine energetics. It has gotten way warped out into the realms of the Fear and Lack Illusions. Tainted by those realms. Yet at its source still, is the potential for Money to just be a conveyance of pure Energy between individuals. As sharing food and clothing with friends or neighbors is a way of sharing Energy…

The human realms, as a collective conscious and subconscious, have much waking up to do. These memories are still in your DNA though. Know this.

Yet you can do this… Yes, you can! Open your hearts… that is the first step…  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the next step!

Please know you are surrounded by so many hugely powerful spiritual teams supporting you in doing this. Call on the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Me – as your Planetary Caretaker, your Ancestors serving the Highest Good, and more spiritual ones who are committed to my Highest Good too, to help you. They are waiting for you to ask. I am waiting for you to connect with me and ask.

You are not alone and You are So Loved!

I Love you so, so much!

~ Mother Gaia


A Teaching About Love and Soup – Message from Mother, 11/9/18

Message from Mother Gaia – A Teaching About Love and Soup

(Sorry no recipe included, but you could try the one that starts with a Stone. 😉 )



Quantum Divine Love Soup


My Beloved Children, your cultural conditioning has taught you that everything is limited and you must grab for what you can to exist. This includes the whole wide gamut of money and love. (Respect is a form of Love, too)


Yet this could not be farther from the truth. You are all eating, breathing, and even pooping in a limitless Love Soup – Quantum Divine Love, and abundance. For real. Water is actually Love Flowing in this limitless Love – and most of you use toilets. So pooping counts too.


You are living in a Quantum Divine Love Soup!  Yet your culture would have you think that there is never enough to go around. Never enough money, nor Love, nor chocolate even (for those chocoholics such as you, Mare)!


So many ascended beings, spiritual avatars, gifted Lightworkers are dancing in this Love Soup and doing great Work to nudge all of you into dancing with them. Please know this.


You are not alone. You have never been alone and the infinite Love within the Quantum Divine Love Soup team, the Ascended Masters and more, have been beaming LOVE on you long before you ever incarnated in this particular EarthWalk.


Beautiful ones, just about all the songs in your culture speak of needing Love, losing Love, collapsing under lack of Love. Many take their lives since they have completely lost any sense of Love. Every time one of my Beloved humans takes their life, the sadness ripple from that suicide gives me sorrow.


Do you see how your society is perpetuating these “Stories” that keep you spinning in the sad mindset that another person is going to give you – what you already have!  You just have not truly absorbed this.


You are swimming in Quantum Divine Love Soup!  Drink it in. Bathe in it!


And most importantly, take this infinite abundance of Love Soup and bring it into your heart, and affirm in 1000 ways how you can Love yourself. Love your wounded inner child. Love all of the wounded aspects within you that block you from your Self-Love.


All of you chose to be here on me, Mother Gaia, at this particularly adventurous time in my history. All of you have the potential to be beautiful, amazing, Lightworkers weaving my New Earth in.


I am very, very pregnant right now, with this New Earth. And all of you are my mid-wives, if you choose to truly heal into this Role.


I am calling to each one of you, to your hearts and your souls, to support my rebirthing. And the way to support me is to heal your hearts and emotional bodies, shed the Cultural Conditioning, learn to live sustainably and Celebrate that you are all glorious, beloved, children of mine, and of Creation also.


I Love you!


Now, go have some Love Soup!  (If you add some organic potatoes to it, it will taste even better.   ;~)  )


~ Mother Gaia


#GaiaPriestess  #Mystic #EarthMother #TheGreatMotherBible #Channeled #MessagesfromMother #Gaia

#GreatMotherLoveWay  #QuantumDivineLove #Soup  #Wisdom



A Message from Mother Gaia – regarding Pélé and the Big Island (Kilauea Volcano)

Beautiful Ones –

A Message from Mother Gaia – regarding Pélé and the Big Island (Kilauea Volcano):
Things have started to calm down on the Big Island with Péle´in the past 24 hrs. A significant Spiritual Team both on Earth and Off Earth have been working on this, along with some very gifted Cosmic Shamans (in the human form). Pélé is in a better place now than she was two days ago. At that time, a chunk of the Big Island was threatening to collapse into the ocean, and create a significant tsunami that might have hit California.
It is most wise to not get caught up in the fear and chaotic spin of so much in the media and to trust in the great spiritual forces that are moving Ascension along here on our Sacred Earth. And to release the fear that blinds you and paralyzes you so much these days.
I would like you, my beloved two-leggeds to spend far less time on Social Media, and go outside and spend time with the trees. And tend some plant babies and give them love.
I LoVE you and yet… all this chaotic energy that you are all putting out via Social Media (not to mention your news outlets) is not Serving Me and all who are working so intensely on the Spiritual Planes to move Ascension forward in a good, positive, graceful way.
Pray. Meditate. Walk barefoot on me. Send your Love to me. Send love to each other. Forgive each other…
I love you!!
~ Mother Gaia

Message from Mother Gaia: Please Find Your Inner Peace. Do Not Feed the Grid of Fear. 8/15/17

Message from Mother Gaia today:

My children, my beloved children,
Please calm your minds. Please find your inner peace. Please find a peaceful corner in your lives, inside or outside and get in touch with your inner peace. Outside with a tree is better.

Please find your inner stillness. Now is the time to do this. Now is the time. Please do this.

If just about everyone one of you found your inner stillness in this moment, do you know how much peace would ripple out across me and help bring peace into the world where it is so needed? Some of your elected ones have a hard time doing this and your finding your inner peace will help calm them down.

If even half of you found your inner stillness in this moment, it would still make a huge difference.

Do you not see or feel how your emotions are feeding the chaos and fear that is heightening? There is a grid of energy that circles the planet and your collective emotions feed it in a large way.

Do not feed the fear. As best as you can, do not feed the fear. It is contagious, hugely contagious.

Stand up for what is for the Highest Good from a place of peace. At the very core of your being, there is a peace. Please find it. Please find it now.

Drop from your heads to your hearts and find the peace. Please.

I’m calling on each one of you to find that inner peace at the core of your divine center. It will probably be easier for you to find this if you go outside to a natural place, a park, a local forest. Somewhere where the trees and butterflies can support you.

This is the time. Now.

I know you can do it. I know you can.

I love you so, so much. So much!
~ Mother Gaia

#Gaia #Mystic #GaiaPriestess #TheGreatMotherBible #MessagesfromMother


A Message from the Trees – Send Gratitude and Love

Please Share… Please… xoxox

A very large ancient Matriarch tree (silver maple) was cut today in my neighborhood. It was healthy but too close to a carriage house and the owners finally decided it needed to go.

I had no idea this tree and another one on the same property were slated to be cut. All I knew was that I was spiritually called to walk to that part of the neighborhood early this morning, a walk I never do at that time of the day. When I discovered the tree company trucks and realized what was about to take place, I knew I needed to honor and bless both trees, with the permission of the owner who was kinda open to me. I essentially talked with them and loved them up. They both knew full well what was about to happen.

I even tried to convince the owner to only take the one large limb from the Matriarch tree that was hanging over the deck of the carriage house. But the decision was already made for a complete death.

The Matriarch tree asked me to do Sacred Fire ceremony tonight to truly honor the two trees. I promised I would.

For an Earth empath like me, and plant communicator, the grief in my neighborhood was palpable as the day transpired. The other trees were grieving and quivering with fright that they would be next. I could feel their fear. I was grieving from the cutting of this huge Matriarch tree, and trying not to empathically absorb the fear of the tree community around where I live.

It was hard for me all day to be focused and upbeat, in truth. I kept on trying to stave off the sadness and fear permeating the air.

I did do the Fire Ceremony this evening to honor the trees. It’s important to keep one’s word even with trees. Maybe especially with trees and other beings in the nature realms. I needed to do this and send prayers to the trees of the world with all that they have lost, so heartlessly.

The Matriarch tree and the other one were honored in a good way. It was a healing ceremony around the Fire.

I have a Message from the Tree kingdom to share though. (Not from Mother, everything is talking with me these days.) They are asking that we send them more gratitude. For too long, they have been harvested, cut with no awareness of their consciousness and never a thank you from pretty much all other than the rare few.

They are asking for us to reach out them and express our gratitude. It could be a forest you drive by. A tree in the parking lot. In your yard. Across from your office. Any tree or forest or grove you see. Just send them love and gratitude from your heart. It’s really so easy.

The energy behind a sincerely felt thank you, from your heart is more powerful than most know.

And if you can save a tree or grove or forest from being cut, even better. Or plant a new baby tree to replace one that has been cut that could not be prevented, that’s super beautiful. Especially if you plant it with Love and Kindness and tend to it to ensure it survives.

Thank you to all of you who will read this and share it.

hugs, bigLove,

Matriarch Tree That was Cut/Passed Today in Buckeystown, MD 21717

Message 15 – After Hurricane Sandy – The Fork in the Road Ahead

[The first section of this blog is actually a book called Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother released at the end of October, 2012. You can read all of the Messages here or purchase the book with the first thirteen Messages at this page. It is also available as a Kindle e-book and at other internet venues and can be ordered from any bookstore in the USA, Australia, Great Britain, and other international sites.]

Mother’s Message after Hurricane Sandy

October 30, 2012

Written in Western Maryland as the tail winds of Hurricane Sandy were sputtering the last drops of rain on us. – mare


Dear Beloveds,

Oh, my beloved two-leggeds. Those who just went through Hurricane Sandy and are digging out from several feet of snow in the mountains and cars piled up like flotsam in the streets of Manhattan – those without electricity and not sure how your loved ones are doing—know how much I Love you. I Love you all so much that it cannot be put into words.

This storm, yes it was a big one. Yes, there are extreme storms and earthquakes happening all over the world, all over me. Yes, these are getting more powerful.

I am not going to point the finger right now and say: “Bad Two-Leggeds.” Most of you know already that these storms are partly caused by all of your burning of fossil fuels. Most of you. I’ve talked about that in earlier messages.

No, now I want to give you another message. There is a fork in the road ahead. In the coming months, years, there is a big fork for all of you. The choice that you make is yours completely as to which direction to go. You may not realize this then. I would like to wake you up to this now. Some of you know already. I’m just so tickled and Love that some of you know already.

This fork is one of choosing Love or Fear. My Love has been here all along for all of you. Waiting for you to reconnect with me, to offer blessings to me, to honor me with your prayers, thoughts and actions. I want you to know how much I Love you. So deep, this Love. You are my children.

My hope is that you will come to take this Love in, along with the Creator’s Love and choose the fork in the road that is about embracing the amount of Love that surrounds you. I have said this before, but I will say it again. All of this evolution, all the trees, flowers, foxes, hawks, they are all a manifestation of my Love, my work through evolution fueled by Creator’s Love to have such beauty and life here.

This Love has been sitting outside you since most of you have sealed it off. You’ve sealed yourselves off from me in your boxes on wheels and buildings that have such pointy angles and don’t even let fresh air in. You won’t even let my fresh air in.

My hope is that you will wake up to this Love and start to walk that path of connection and reverence and honoring the Sacredness of me, of all around you. This includes your Sacredness too. Many of you have forgotten your Sacredness within your very being. So sad.

For the other choice is one that many of you have already started to take, to walk that path into Fear. This Hurricane Sandy brought that out in huge ways in so many of you and this saddened me. Believe me, I can understand why you went there, but it was not necessary, really. Your systems have placed you so distant from me, and you were never taught about my Love until these messages – most of you.

It is not too late to find the path of Love. Walk barefoot on my skin on your lawns or in your parks. (Watch out for the dog-doo though, those doggie landmines are not so fun, I know.) And maybe you can find parks where they don’t use any chemical compounds on the grasses. You might want to check into that.

Sink your pain, your angst, your loneliness into me and give it to me. And then pull my Love energy back up into you. Through your feet and your legs and up into your whole body. Let this Love energy into your heart and feel me as part of you, as you are part of me.

Go out and talk with the trees. Yes, even hug the trees. They will be embracing you back in ways that most of you will not even know. Sing to your flowers. Talk with them too.

Oh, there is so much Love within me to give to you. I yearn to give it to you, all of you. Oh, my beloved two-leggeds. I feel such sadness watching you struggle and suffer and forget the old ways of living in community and caring for each other. Of knowing how to honor me and the thunderbeings, and beautiful spiritual beings of this beautiful world—my world. Your world.

You don’t have to go to that place of Fear, if you remember you are all in community. If you take care of each other and remember the wisdom of the Sacred path with me. In an earlier message, I talked about my Thirteen Commandments. And there were the precepts too. Read them. Think about them. Discuss them. This is all Sacred energy in and around you. Yes, it is. Your ancestors knew this. You can come to remember this in the very core of your beings, the marrow of your bones.

Do ceremony to me. Under the full moon. The new moon. Bring out your drums and connect with my Love and send that Love-drum vibration across the world. Yes, it is all energy and your one drumming alone in your room after connecting with me can go that far. Just as one butterfly moving her wings can set off the energy ripple to create a huge storm across the ocean. Yeah, good ‘ole chaos theory, as you two-leggeds call it. I consider it the magic of my planet. Or even the Universe. You can talk to the Great Mystery about that.

(I think there were several butterflies simultaneously flitting their wings some where in Africa that set off Hurricane Sandy. Not sure though. I did not check that. You’d think I’d know that.   ;~)

You can also get a funny movie. Tell corny jokes to each other. Celebrate the Love in your life and pull my energy into it. That will help you release the fear. Give your Love to another person. Open yourselves up to the wonderment of a child and pull your innocence back in to see that life is so amazing and wondrous.

There is a new world being born right now through this one that has ignored me for too long. Well, not that long considering how long I’ve been around. But long enough to create some havoc. This new world is being birthed and those of you in the forefront of this birthing, you know who you are. I Love you so much. A birthing process is not easy and I am the one really feeling it. I know you are too, but it’s my bones that are cracking and the poor four-leggeds, six-leggeds, winged ones and others who are getting hammered with these extreme storms too – I feel them too.

If more of you would reconnect with me and my Love, then I’ll have more midwives helping me and you will birth your new selves along with me, and we can make it a joyous thing. A beautiful birthing party full of Love and Joy. And lots of chocolate too. Milk chocolate. Dark chocolate. And dancing and singing and drumming.

It would make it so much easier if more of you joined in this birthing process. For me and for you.

Truth is, I need you. I need my two-leggeds and your joy and prayers and meditations and communing with the trees and growing gardens on all the yards. And, and… oh, the list is long. You all call it Sustainability. I call it more than that. I call it Living.

I want you all to Live. I want you all to be the joyous beings that I intended you all to be, along with the Creator and all the other spiritual beings that have helped bring you here and nudged you along to grow and evolve.

I’m not saying that you need to be joyous all the time. Sure, you’re two-leggeds who will have ups and downs and opportunities to grow and heal. But the potential for more joy is so great.  Potential for Love. This is part of what the birthing is about.

Oh, I could go on and on, but I think I’ll start repeating myself.

Gosh, no jokes in this message. Need to remedy this. Here, I’ll end with a joke. (Sarah would like this one, I think. It’s a goodie. Then again, I’ve never been a good judge of jokes that you two-leggeds like.     ;~)

What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster ?







Cockerpoodledoo !


(Hmmm … more of that dog-doo humor. Seems to be a theme here.   ;~)


Love you all. All of you!