Mother Gaia Report, May, 2020

I don’t ordinarily share this type of information yet Mother is insisting that I do this so more can understand some of the amazingness happening on Earth over the past few months. This data comes from both her and several Cosmic Shamans with whom I work.

Mother wants all humans to know that there is a far greater plan afoot here on Earth with this Pandemic. This Pandemic is actually easing us gently into the changes coming in – compared with how this could be playing out.

There is no returning to “normal” for the human realms though. This is not meant to happen as “normal” was so destructive to Mother Gaia and the sacred ecosystems around the planet.

As most humans have been put into a significant “Time-Out”, Mother and many other seen and unseen ones who are in alignment with her are supporting and celebrating the rapidly rising energies within the multi-dimensional zones around the globe.

From the very creation of the Earth within the Solar System, our planet was meant to be one of very high spiritual consciousness. For several billion years, evolution has been strategically coordinated by a Council of Galactic Representatives called the Star Elders, in partnership with our Planetary Caretaker.

However, over the eons and eons, numerous beings who have not been committed to the original purpose of Earth as a place of Luminescent Love have thwarted the achievement of this purpose. The history of these beings’ actions on Earth is a long and sordid history. Yet the good news is that the last remnants of them and their dense energies are being eradicated from the planet at this time.

A number of these nefarious beings have installed technology into the Earth’s crust to affect the energetics of the human realms (and to also stay in communication with their home planets) and this tech is almost completely cleared from the planet at this time.

There are vast numbers of spiritual beings of great Light and Love who have been coming into the Earth’s multi-dimensional planes to support Mother Gaia with these clearings along with activate the stones, animals, waters and more. These beings include angelic ones, avatars, beautiful dragons (yes, dragons do exist in the spiritual realms), and a great variety of nature spirits have been arriving from their home planets to support the New Earth, plus others. Numerous people walking the planet today know they are from another part of the Universe and are here to support this New Earth also.

Several significant phenomena happened in early to mid-April. On 4/4/20, when hundreds of thousands of people were meditating around the globe simultaneously, a massive conduit of energy came into the Earth’s energetic zones from the Great Central Sun to boost the Earth’s multi-dimensional planes. (The Schumann Resonance recorded that energetic shift.

On April 14th, due to a Unified Field of water ceremonies focused on Bimini and where the former Atlantis existed (that Mother asked me to organize), the original metaphysical Atlantean crystals used to establish Atlantis as a colony of Lemuria were re-installed into their planetary energetic grid. These crystals were discovered in the middle of February during a Cosmic Shaman clean-up of the former Atlantis and passed over to Mother Gaia and one of her councils for clearing and reactivation. When they were placed back into the original planetary grid where they belonged, there was another rise in energy in the planet’s multidimensional zones.

In the first week of May, after an energy clearing deep down in the Earth’s crust under central Europe, a very large metaphysical obelisk with codes etched into it was found. Mother Gaia and her teams immediately took charge of the obelisk and the codes were activated and started sending signals to the original planet that created it to support Earth’s full Ascension. This has brought a whole new influx of positive energy into the Earth.

All of us possess energy bodies that extend outside of our physical bodies which have been reverberating with these subtle and not so subtle shifts in energy. Many of us have been experiencing pain in our hearts as we adjust to the raising of energies, not to mention the heartbreak of the Pandemic. We are shedding the denser energies that have been lodged into our hearts for too long.

The phenomena I describe here are only a smattering of many clearings and shifts the planet is undergoing as the heavier energies continue to get cleared out on a daily basis by vast teams of spiritual beings along with Cosmic Shamans in the physical. These humans are Spiritual Warriors who serve Mother Gaia and her councils in helping to birth this New Earth. Their work is mostly silent and yet highly critical to the full work on hand at this time.

Mother Gaia is ecstatic with all that is happening. AND she is calling for all humans to understand that there is a massive collection of teams helping her as this New Earth births. And we all need to shift to support what is manifesting.

Mother is offering us these guidelines:

  • To stay in our bodies energetically and be grounded to her heart (Mother’s Love Cord Connection).
  • To simplify our lives.
  • To take care of each other on all levels.
  • To transition into living locally, sourcing local foods, products, more.
  • To honor the Sacredness in all…
  • To remember to call on our Spirit Teams for support including our Ancestors serving the Highest Good. They are there for us yet we need to ask for their help for them to come forward.
  • Mother’s 13 Love Directives & Precepts

Mother Gaia teaches @ Money & Energy in light of all the Fears within the Pandemic

The invitation to you at this time, my beloved Humans, is for you to remember how to live in Community again so that the needs of all are taken care of, as your Ancestors took care of the other sacred members of their Village in a Good Way. This includes being in Balance and Harmony with all Sacred Life around you and your communities.

You are all One, with Me as your True Mother. We are all One with Creator and all the other Sacred ones here and within the Universal Realms.

It used to be when your human Ancestors lived in small villages so close to my Sacred Land, that altruism was the way of being, and there was no currency exchange. The needs of All were taken care of within the village, by the village. If one went hungry, it meant that all were hungry. No one was left out.

Then the villages got bigger. Food was grown outside the growing villages and commerce started with the need for a currency. And currency is only Energy being exchanged.

Thus — Money is essentially Energy. Yet it has lost its original pristine energetics. It has gotten way warped out into the realms of the Fear and Lack Illusions. Tainted by those realms. Yet at its source still, is the potential for Money to just be a conveyance of pure Energy between individuals. As sharing food and clothing with friends or neighbors is a way of sharing Energy…

The human realms, as a collective conscious and subconscious, have much waking up to do. These memories are still in your DNA though. Know this.

Yet you can do this… Yes, you can! Open your hearts… that is the first step…  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is the next step!

Please know you are surrounded by so many hugely powerful spiritual teams supporting you in doing this. Call on the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Me – as your Planetary Caretaker, your Ancestors serving the Highest Good, and more spiritual ones who are committed to my Highest Good too, to help you. They are waiting for you to ask. I am waiting for you to connect with me and ask.

You are not alone and You are So Loved!

I Love you so, so much!

~ Mother Gaia
