Mother Gaia Report, May, 2020

I don’t ordinarily share this type of information yet Mother is insisting that I do this so more can understand some of the amazingness happening on Earth over the past few months. This data comes from both her and several Cosmic Shamans with whom I work.

Mother wants all humans to know that there is a far greater plan afoot here on Earth with this Pandemic. This Pandemic is actually easing us gently into the changes coming in – compared with how this could be playing out.

There is no returning to “normal” for the human realms though. This is not meant to happen as “normal” was so destructive to Mother Gaia and the sacred ecosystems around the planet.

As most humans have been put into a significant “Time-Out”, Mother and many other seen and unseen ones who are in alignment with her are supporting and celebrating the rapidly rising energies within the multi-dimensional zones around the globe.

From the very creation of the Earth within the Solar System, our planet was meant to be one of very high spiritual consciousness. For several billion years, evolution has been strategically coordinated by a Council of Galactic Representatives called the Star Elders, in partnership with our Planetary Caretaker.

However, over the eons and eons, numerous beings who have not been committed to the original purpose of Earth as a place of Luminescent Love have thwarted the achievement of this purpose. The history of these beings’ actions on Earth is a long and sordid history. Yet the good news is that the last remnants of them and their dense energies are being eradicated from the planet at this time.

A number of these nefarious beings have installed technology into the Earth’s crust to affect the energetics of the human realms (and to also stay in communication with their home planets) and this tech is almost completely cleared from the planet at this time.

There are vast numbers of spiritual beings of great Light and Love who have been coming into the Earth’s multi-dimensional planes to support Mother Gaia with these clearings along with activate the stones, animals, waters and more. These beings include angelic ones, avatars, beautiful dragons (yes, dragons do exist in the spiritual realms), and a great variety of nature spirits have been arriving from their home planets to support the New Earth, plus others. Numerous people walking the planet today know they are from another part of the Universe and are here to support this New Earth also.

Several significant phenomena happened in early to mid-April. On 4/4/20, when hundreds of thousands of people were meditating around the globe simultaneously, a massive conduit of energy came into the Earth’s energetic zones from the Great Central Sun to boost the Earth’s multi-dimensional planes. (The Schumann Resonance recorded that energetic shift.

On April 14th, due to a Unified Field of water ceremonies focused on Bimini and where the former Atlantis existed (that Mother asked me to organize), the original metaphysical Atlantean crystals used to establish Atlantis as a colony of Lemuria were re-installed into their planetary energetic grid. These crystals were discovered in the middle of February during a Cosmic Shaman clean-up of the former Atlantis and passed over to Mother Gaia and one of her councils for clearing and reactivation. When they were placed back into the original planetary grid where they belonged, there was another rise in energy in the planet’s multidimensional zones.

In the first week of May, after an energy clearing deep down in the Earth’s crust under central Europe, a very large metaphysical obelisk with codes etched into it was found. Mother Gaia and her teams immediately took charge of the obelisk and the codes were activated and started sending signals to the original planet that created it to support Earth’s full Ascension. This has brought a whole new influx of positive energy into the Earth.

All of us possess energy bodies that extend outside of our physical bodies which have been reverberating with these subtle and not so subtle shifts in energy. Many of us have been experiencing pain in our hearts as we adjust to the raising of energies, not to mention the heartbreak of the Pandemic. We are shedding the denser energies that have been lodged into our hearts for too long.

The phenomena I describe here are only a smattering of many clearings and shifts the planet is undergoing as the heavier energies continue to get cleared out on a daily basis by vast teams of spiritual beings along with Cosmic Shamans in the physical. These humans are Spiritual Warriors who serve Mother Gaia and her councils in helping to birth this New Earth. Their work is mostly silent and yet highly critical to the full work on hand at this time.

Mother Gaia is ecstatic with all that is happening. AND she is calling for all humans to understand that there is a massive collection of teams helping her as this New Earth births. And we all need to shift to support what is manifesting.

Mother is offering us these guidelines:

  • To stay in our bodies energetically and be grounded to her heart (Mother’s Love Cord Connection).
  • To simplify our lives.
  • To take care of each other on all levels.
  • To transition into living locally, sourcing local foods, products, more.
  • To honor the Sacredness in all…
  • To remember to call on our Spirit Teams for support including our Ancestors serving the Highest Good. They are there for us yet we need to ask for their help for them to come forward.
  • Mother’s 13 Love Directives & Precepts

A Message from Mother Gaia – regarding Pélé and the Big Island (Kilauea Volcano)

Beautiful Ones –

A Message from Mother Gaia – regarding Pélé and the Big Island (Kilauea Volcano):
Things have started to calm down on the Big Island with Péle´in the past 24 hrs. A significant Spiritual Team both on Earth and Off Earth have been working on this, along with some very gifted Cosmic Shamans (in the human form). Pélé is in a better place now than she was two days ago. At that time, a chunk of the Big Island was threatening to collapse into the ocean, and create a significant tsunami that might have hit California.
It is most wise to not get caught up in the fear and chaotic spin of so much in the media and to trust in the great spiritual forces that are moving Ascension along here on our Sacred Earth. And to release the fear that blinds you and paralyzes you so much these days.
I would like you, my beloved two-leggeds to spend far less time on Social Media, and go outside and spend time with the trees. And tend some plant babies and give them love.
I LoVE you and yet… all this chaotic energy that you are all putting out via Social Media (not to mention your news outlets) is not Serving Me and all who are working so intensely on the Spiritual Planes to move Ascension forward in a good, positive, graceful way.
Pray. Meditate. Walk barefoot on me. Send your Love to me. Send love to each other. Forgive each other…
I love you!!
~ Mother Gaia

Love and Hope in Intense Times!

Mare futurenow

To say that these are intense times is an understatement. As I am writing this, a second hurricane of “Biblical” proportions is hammering populations within the Caribbean, after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and other parts of Texas.


More than two hundred people have been killed by a powerful earthquake in Mexico City, and other parts of our Sacred Earth are shifting and cracking leaving residents in and around those faultlines at the mercy of what happens when the ground shakes and buildings are not stable enough to handle the unstable ground underneath. (Prayers to all those suffering there and in the hurricane zones right now… mega prayers.)


Some of the indigenous prophecies call this the Time of Purification. Mother Gaia is going through a rapid transformative shift right now to facilitate the full birth of the New World coming in. This is being facilitated by energies moving through this part of our galaxy and solar system, along with other energetics on the planet.


Some call this process the Ascension, as in “ascending energies/spiritual vibrational fields”. However I think that word in some ways connotes rising up energetically while still not acknowledging the existence and heart of Mother Gaia in the center of the planet – and connecting spiritually/energetically with her heart to help manifest this New World. We need both for the Ascension to truly happen.


Gaia has asked me this morning to share the following to help support us (humans) in these times:


  • Know that Mother Gaia loves us tremendously, tremendously and is calling us Home. We are not parasites or fleas on her back. We are her beloved children. Yes, she is irritated with how far astray we (the Western Dominant Culture) have come from being in sacred balance and reverence with her, on her, for her. But she still LOVES us.


  • The Purification that is going on needs to happen. This Purification on the physical planes with the weather and tectonic shifting is part of this birthing process. Nothing is ever static anywhere in the universe, not solar systems, stars, continental plates, riverbanks, coastlines, cultural systems, languages, etc. (Mother wants this repeated) — NOTHING IS STATIC.


  • The energies on our Sacred Earth are shifting rather rapidly also. The Purification that is becoming quite evident on the physical planes is also what each of us are being nudged, cajoled, or kicked to bring forth internally within our hearts, our emotional bodies — soul bodies. We need to heal ourselves at the deepest levels, within our body-mind-spirit selves, so that energetically we can begin to hold the spiritual vibration of this New World, 5th Dimensional (plus) way of being.

                  — As above, so below. As outside, so within.

— One of my friends posted on Facebook last week: we need to become comfortable living outside of our comfort zones because that is where we are quickly headed. Some are already in that reality such as those in Houston, Barbuda, Key West, Puerto Rico, India, the West Coast fire zones, Chile … the list is long and growing longer.


  • We are being called to remember that we are beings of LOVE. Beings of LIGHT. We simply have to remember and heal back into those states of Being. To live from our hearts more, our Higher Selves, and less from the intellectual mind place. To heal the woundedness, sorrow, shame, guilt, anger, hurt and more of those lower vibrational emotional places that keep us spinning in Victim space, and worse.


  • We are going through a Birthing Canal of intensity from outside forces and within ourselves. And we just don’t have the choice of going back to the Old Ways. A mother in the process of birthing her baby cannot allow the baby to crawl back inside if the baby is in pain or terrified of the how tight that Birth Canal is.


  • There are ancient aspects of ourselves within our DNA and in our ancestral memories that we are being called to tap NOW to reawaken the Wisdom, the Compassion, the deep knowing of what “Community” means so that the needs of all are met. All humans, all species, all beings – all of our needs shall be met. It’s time to Re-Awaken those aspects of ourselves and also Open Ourselves up to the New Energies surging forward that have not been experienced on this planet ever.


  • LOVING Ourselves, Self-Compassion for ourselves and others is paramount. Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness. For ourselves and all around us is key. Healing our Shadow. Loving up our wounded Inner Child. These are all necessary for our shifting into our true beings of Love and Light.


  • Focusing on Our Basic Human needs (healthy food, clean water, clothing and simple shelter) and meeting those in a sustainable, healthy, balance way is the only path for the future, in truth.

— Case in Point: If those in Houston and the decision-making halls of Houston and DC were tapped into a greater wisdom, they would rebuild the city infrastructure and all the homes from the standpoint of what is healthiest for all species for the next 7 Generations, plus. No more chemical plants. No more oil refineries. Simple homes. Minimize the impervious surfaces. Put in major bike lanes everywhere (showers at work). More.


  • Mother Gaia is saying: ENOUGH ALREADY! Come HOME to me. I LOVE you and am your true Mother! You are born from my minerals, my waters, my beloved plants and animals. You actually don’t have a choice here since I cannot tolerate, nor do all the spiritual councils of nature spirits, ancestors and others on the spirit plane tolerate how unconscious your global society has become.


  • Mother is also sharing that this New World coming in right now is an incredibly beautiful world of Great Peace and Compassion, Community, Health, Joy and more. It is there – around the corner! (In some instances, it is here now in various corners: Ecovillages, community gardens, cooperative solar ventures, healing centers, more.)

                  — AND we are all seeds of this New World! All of us. Our personal choice is how pro-actively we gestate this seed within ourselves and collectively within our communities to begin to live the New World already – in our thoughts, actions (sustainable living, community focused), and words.

— Some have already been germinating this seed in advance and are the visionaries and ones to learn from.

— But we are all unique beings of Divine Love, and we each are being called to manifest it as our souls guide us along this path of manifesting the New World.

                    — The other option is to resist more. Tuck into the six pack of beer and numb out on Cable TV instead again. Freak out about the News and go even more Numb.


  • Every state of FEAR or Numb-Out is a doorway to potential healing though.  Every emotional freak-out or numb-out is an invitation to be held and hugged and healing energies brought forward to remind ourselves that we are not alone, we are in community and we can weave our energies together, our hearts and our creative minds to be pro-active seeds of HOPE and LOVE, for this New World.   There is an energetic global web of love, healing, and hope weaving powerfully right now and we are all invited to join in with our soul-strand to others soul-strands make it tighter and more beautiful and powerful.


  • The Age of Separation is OVER. We are now in the Age of Oneness and are being asked to truly shift into this NOW.


  • Mother wants us to deeply, deeply know also, that there are many, many beautiful and powerful ones on the Spirit planes here to support us in this Purification and Birthing. Call on them! They want to help us hugely!

                — They include: Creator/Great Mystery, Creatrix/Goddess of the Universe/Great Divine Mother, the Christ Consciousness, Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel (all the Archangels), Kuan Yin, the Buddhist Taras, Oshun, Mother Gaia!, our Ancestors serving the Highest Good, Freya, Thor… the list goes on and on. Every belief system has their Gods and Goddesses to tap. Call on them!

             — They can give us strength and spiritual support in ways that are beyond words as we heal into the Love, Hope, co-creative shifting, healing, rebuilding and transitioning into this New World.

            — We are surrounded by Quantum Divine Love – ALL THE TIME. We are that Love too! We have just forgotten. NOW is the time to remember. Now… !

           —  You are a seed for the New World. Now is the time for you to truly cultivate your SEED-Self! There is a beautiful, amazing future ahead and we are all on the team to manifest it!


So much love,

Mare Cromwell, with Mother Gaia





Message from Gaia on Hurricane Irma, etc., “Hard-Wired to Heal” – Sept 9, 2017

Beautiful Ones~
This is a paraphrased messaged from Mother Gaia, this morning:

Regardless of how “big”, how “devastating”, how “huge” these hurricanes, fires and more are being labeled, please remember that Mother Gaia is Hard-Wired to Heal. AND the strength of the human spirit is tremendous when we rally forth together, in wise compassionate ways.

Good friends, please do not get sucked into the tsunami of fears that are rampant right now. Believe it or not, the heavier emotions of fear, anger, greed, etc., are only feeding the imbalanced energies here on Earth. These heavier emotions are feeding the weather, in truth, too.

Step away from the media – if need be. Make wise plans for you, your loved ones. Get to know your neighbors even better.

Watch funny movies. Play card games. Go harvest from your gardens, if you have one.

If everyone on FB took 7 hours off of the social media system and news and instead went to go watch some hilarious movie or played cards with some good buddies in a fun way, or drummed with friends, or went for a long walk in a beautiful natural setting, this would be a positive shift in the energies on the planet. Truth.

Please take a long hard look at your ecological footprint and be proactive on shifting away from using fossil fuels, and being more sustainable NOW. Rebuild Wisely NOW.

Things on our Sacred Earth are out of balance for some good reasons. WE CAN SUPPORT bringing the balance back in. But succumbing to the depths of fear and overwhelm is only feeding the imbalance, along with all the other unsustainable, toxic actions on our Sacred Planet.

Mother Gaia LOVES everyone, everyone. AND these extreme weather systems, etc., are a WAKE-UP call.

There are many, many powerful and beautiful spiritual beings who are trying to help us from the Spirit Planes but all the fear and anger, etc., is blocking them to some degree.

Please know that Mother Gaia does not want to see her humans suffering. Yet we have not been waking up. And it is Time.

Hugs, bigLOVE,

#Gaia #Mystic #EarthMother #TheGreatMotherBible #Channeled #MessagesfromMother

(c) Mare Cromwell

Hurricane Harvey – Not Just Climate Change – Message from Mother Gaia, 8/29/17

A message from Mother Gaia/Earth Mother about the hurricane and extreme rains in Texas and surrounding parts at this time. Downloaded by Gaia Priestess and Mystic (author & healer), Mare Cromwell. It is time to come HOME to Mother Gaia and Wake Up. She loves all of us so, so, so much! xoxoxo
Ah… recorded from my bed this morning. Yes, you even get to see my nightgown. Mother has me working hard these days. Oh, yeah.
And I’m not the only one working hard these days to support the Ascension, the New World coming in. There are many of us… a humbling job, to say the least.

Now, please pass the chocolate and I need a nap.
Hugs, bigLove to all,